The Creature

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An elite ANBU unit known as Team Ro was returning from a mission in the Land of Grass when a silver haired gentleman, maybe 20 years old, heard something and halted the team. "Wolf?" One of his peers questioned. "Listen." Wolf replied. Silence quickly swept over the group of eight ANBU members. They all heard it this time around. The distinct sound of a crying baby. "Thats-"
"Lizard, Badger go left. Otter, Panther, Frog go right. Cat, Weasel with me. We don't know if it's a trap, stay on your guard. Scatter." The group separated quickly as Wolf lead Cat and Weasel in a frontal assault. Only there was nothing but the kid there. Not yet anyway. They stayed hidden in the trees, waiting for someone to come for the crying child, but he could see no one, smell no one. It was alone. Frog must've thought the same because she jumped down and walked toward the child, whom quieted upon noticing her. "Frog!" Wolf hissed. "You've gotta see this..." Frog called up to him. With reluctance, he joined her down on the ground.


"What... what is it do you think? I've never seen a Kekkei Genkai like that.." Wolf couldn't say. He'd never seen anything like it before either. It seemed to be from the Kaguya Clan and their Kekkei Genkai, Shikotsumyaku. Yet... it was different. The upper half of the creature looked completely human, with [S/C] skin and a head of [H/C] hair, yet it's lower half from the hips down was bone. The legs didn't look human at all, more like a dogs or cats legs and a small skeletal tail. Wolf had no idea what this creature was. "I don't know... the interrogation corps might be able to figure it out."
"But that suggests bringing it home." Weasel had joined them on the ground. "Is that a good idea?" Frog glared at Wolf through her mask. It was a white mask with a green almost triangular shape and small green lines near the eyes. "Bringing a baby to the interrogation corps? That's cruel, don't you think?" Wolf crossed his arms. "We have no idea if this child is from enemy lands. It could be a weapon for all we know and now it's in our possession. Badger. You're carrying it the rest of the way to the Hidden Leaf." Badger gathered the strange creature up and they continued on their way.


Wolf waited in the main headquarters of the Interrogation Corps as a man by the name of Inoichi Yamanaka searched through the memories of the small creature. He wasn't cruel, Yamanaka was going to be a father himself and it's not like this baby was fighting to keep its few memories anyway. "What's going on in here? Yamato told me you found a child, Kakashi?" Wolf, better known as Kakashi looked to the third Hokage, the head of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. "We have. I'm trying to figure out what it is." Kakashi replied, looking back towards Inoichi and the creature. The Third followed Kakashi's gaze, taking a puff from his pipe. "It's nothing I've ever seen before.." Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, agreed. "And it's nothing we will ever see again." Inoichi concluded, staring at the child in wonder. "What do you mean, Inoichi? Explain." Hiruzen pressed. "What I mean is... this creature isn't even from our world. It was sent here from another word to escape a war." Hiruzen and Kakashi gave each other bewildered looks. "Another world?" Kakashi asked. Inoichi sighed. "I'll explain everything I saw.."


"Where this child, this hybrid comes from, there seems to be two different species that exist. Humans and a species that call themselves monsters. This little girl, I heard them call her [Y/N], is a mix between a human and a monster. But for whatever reason, the humans have started slaughtering the monsters. The parents used some sort of machine to transport her here, where she can't be harmed by the humans there. From what I saw, it's likely that her parents are no longer alive." Inoichi explained as he gently rocked [Y/N]. Hiruzen and Kakashi were reasonably shocked by this. A creature from a whole other world was in their village. "Well then." Hiruzen looked at the child then at Kakashi. "We will honor her parents wishes and keep her safe here in Konaha, right Kakashi?" The silver haired AMBU sweatdropped. "Lord Hokage... what are you thinking?"
"I'm glad you asked." Hiruzen carefully took the child from Inoichi's arms. "From now on, you are in charge of little [Y/C] here. You were the one who found her after all."
"But what about my missions?" Kakashi objected. "She is your mission, Kakashi. Raise her well."


Kakashi looked at the kid in his arms. His first task from the Hokage was to see if she had Chakra or not. That would determine her future status as a citizen or as a shinobi. Thus he was going to the Hyuga clan. "Lord Hiashi Hyuga?" The Hyuga head stopped upon hearing his name. "Kakashi Hatake... what do you want? Who and what is that?" Kakashi looked down at the child. "This is [Y/N], Lord Hyuga, the Third sent me here to request your assistance in seeing if she has Chakra or not." Hiashi sighed. "Well, since it's the Third asking.." Hiashi activated his Bayakugan, expecting to see the Chakra network that ran similar to veins in the body. Instead.... "There is no Chakra system whatsoever. It's all accumulated in the center of her chest... it's like no Chakra I've ever seen.." Kakashi turned from Hiashi's surprised and intrigued face to [Y/N]. "Huh... thank you, Lord Hyuga. We will be taking our leave now. Kakashi left to get himself and this strange child something to eat.

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