The Team

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You'd been outside of the academy plenty of times to pick up Naruto, but this was your first time inside. You adjusted the headband around your neck nervously. A team, you were working in a team with other people. New people. You weren't used to that. You were admittedly used to being alone when training. You didn't really know anybody but Naruto. Speaking of, you entered a classroom with a classroom full of students and Naruto's favorite teacher, Iruka Sensei. "Ah, you must be [Y/N] Hatake, a pleasure to meet you." You bowed to him as a show of respect. "And you as well, Iruka Sensei. Naruto has spoken high praise about you." Iruka looked surprised. "He speaks highly of you too." Iruka hadn't put to and to together that [Y/N] Hatake was the friend that Naruto talked about all the time. "If you could just take your seat, we'll get started." Naruto was already waving frantically at you, revealing his location so you could sit next to him. Naturally you walked in his direction.


Names of people you didn't know were being called into teams. You simply listened for yours and Naruto's. "Team seven, Naruto Uzumaki..." You and Naruto both perked. "Sakura Haruno..." Naruto shot up, apparently happy with this development while a pink haired girl drooped as if she'd heard the worst news in the world. What was her problem? "Sasuke Uchiha." The pink haired girl shot up while Naruto deflated as she had done. You knew Naruto had a crush on Sakura and hated Sasuke. How ironic that they'd all be on the same team. You patted Naruto on his back. "Good luck. Tell me how your first day goes, ok?" He nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! And you better too!" You returned his nod more calmly. "I will." Naruto glanced around, suddenly looking serious. "I wanna tell you something else too when we meet up." You frowned uneasily. Serious wasn't usually Naruto's thing so it had to be important. You nodded again. Team eleven, Yoru Kūkyo, Kasai Furumai, [Y/N] Hatake." You looked at Naruto who chuckled at your pleading look and pointed out who your teammates would be.


Yoru Kūkyo was a was a dark grey haired boy who's hair covered his eyes and wore a black mask with a light blue shirt and black pants with a holster on either leg. His headband was around his arm and he seemed very into whatever he was reading. You had no clue how he could see through his hair. Kasai Furumai on the other hand was a rather rambunctious red head who's hair spiked up like flames. He wore a pouch around his waist with a orange shirt and red jacket, his pants were yellow. His eyes were pretty unique. They were yellow with pupils that looked like target scopes? Kinda? You couldn't really explain it. "Hey lady!" You looked to some long haired blonde girl with blue eyes. "I don't know who you are or where you came from but you better stay away from Sasuke!" You blinked as you noticed Iruka left. "Ok?" Naruto jumped up from his seat. "You better be nice to my friend Ino!" A lazy black haired boy snorted. "Hey, what's so funny Shikamaru?!" Naruto barked. "Nothing, nothing... but her? YOUR friend? I doubt it." You glared sharply at Shikamaru. "Come say that to my face then."


Shikamaru and everyone else in the room looked at you. "You're kidding right?" You swallowed the nervousness that was building up inside you. "What's so wrong with being Naruto's friend? Sure he's a troublemaker, but what has he ever actually done to you?" You snipped. "You go [Y/N]!" Naruto cheered you on. Before anything else could be said, someone came in, calling out to their team. So the Jonin were picking up their Genin now, hm? You calmly took your seat, trying to calm your nerves. "Hey." You looked to Naruto. "Hm? What's up?" Naruto grinned. "Thanks for standing up for me." You tilted and pushed him playfully. "Naturally doofus, I'm your friend!"
"[Y/N] Hatake." You perked as your name was called. "I gotta go. Report to you later!" Naruto gave a single, firm nod. "Yeah! You better!" You followed after your teammates and new Sensei, feeling that pull once more before you left the room. Your Sensei was a Kunoichi with silvery long hair and golden eyes. She wore all white, white shorts, white fishnet shirt, white flak jacket, white holster on her right leg and short sword on her back. Even her ears and tail were a silvery white color.


You were all in a closed off forest clearing when she stopped and whirled on the three of you, throwing kunai at you all. You all jumped away, you could feel your teammates shock. Clearly they weren't expecting an attack. Your father pulled stunts like this on you often. It surely wasn't going to be that easy to make Genin. "I am Hizuki Okami of the Okami clan. Your opponent." She unsheethed her sword and attacked without mercy. You attacked with equal intent to kill, noticing you teammates darting away. You remembered what your father taught you. A ninja that doesn't follow orders is scum, but a ninja who abandons his teammates is worse than scum. You had to track them down and work with them as a team. First, you had to get away from her. Bones shot up between you and her, temporarily blocking her attack so you could get out of there and hide. You took a moment in the bushes knowing you couldn't stay long. She could most likely track your scent just as you could track your teammates. You were going to have to cover your scent before you sought them out. You darted away from your hiding spot to do just that.

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