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Jeongguk has never been so afraid to leave the small hotel room him and Jimin are staying. His body still hurts but his only focus is the blond in his arms who sleeps peacefully. He curls his fingers through his hair, avoiding the bandages on his forehead. Jimin nuzzles into the touch and he smiles very softly, to the point it's almost invisible.

Nobody has found them, thankfully. He was sure the press would show up at the door but Hoseok has done a good job at keeping them off of the radar.

Reaching over to the side table, Jeongguk finds himself scrolling through the multitude of news articles dedicated to him and Jimin's 'secret love' as well the photo of them kissing that had been released. There are supportive comments, also those crude.

Jeongguk places his phone back to the side, looking up at the ceiling. He breathes heavily through his mouth, feeling a small whistle against his lips. Jimin cuddles in deeper to his side and his arm instinctively maneuvers to hold him tighter.

Among all of the chaos, he's grateful that Jimin is still here. He could have left a long time ago as soon as he knew what he was getting himself into. But he didn't. He stayed and Jeongguk has absolutely no idea to express the relief and thankfulness he feels.

The front door rattles and Jeongguk sits up, drawing the blanket over Jimin's head. As soon as he sees that it's Hoseok with take-out breakfast, he relaxes and uncovers the blond next to him.

"Be quiet, he's still sleeping," Jeongguk whispers and Hoseok nods his head, placing the food on a small table.

"I'm not," Jimin murmurs and his voice is hoarse.

Jeongguk looks down immediately, pushing some of Jimin's hair away from his eyes. "Are you hungry?" he asks?

Jimin nods his head, sitting up slowly. He spent most of the night crying until he fell asleep in Jeongguk's arms. "I'm just gonna go to the washroom first," he replies.

"Sure." Jeongguk watches Jimin climb off of the bed carefully until he disappears into the bathroom and the door closes.

Hoseok takes this opportunity to sit at the foot of the bed. "It's getting worse out there. A couple of people swore they recognized me but I assured them thet had me confused with someone else. I hate to say it, but we have to get you back to your place―"

"Are you insane? It's probably swarming with press," Jeongguk interjects, throwing his legs over the side of the bed carefully.

"So what do you suggest, then?" Hoseok turns around, eyes following Jeongguk as he makes his way to the food. "This hotel room isn't any safer. You have bodyguards and an actual security system."

Jeongguk chews on the inside of his cheek. He hasn't replied to Namjoon's texts. He hasn't replied to anyone's texts because he doesn't know what to say.

"Listen, I know you want to avoid this situation at all costs but it isn't going to happen. You have to face the music sooner or later. This isn't just going to blow over. Have you forgotten who you are?" Hoseok adds.

"I haven't. And you're right, I know that. I just don't know what to do first," Jeongguk replies, leaning against the table with his head handing low.

Suddenly another voice chimes in. "Hoseok Hyung is right. The sooner we face this, the better. I know you want to keep me safe, Jeongguk Hyung. But running is worse than trying to overcome it. What happened to me and what happened to you can't be kept quiet. We have to speak up―"

"And say what?" Jeongguk doesn't mean to snap but he does, looking up at Jimin. "That we got assaulted because we're gay? Nobody's going to care. This is so fucked."

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