Attack on The Church!!! Rebirth of Silvia Lautreamont!!

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The Finale of The Iron Blood Valkyrie Arc

Kaiwara Academy

The Next Day, The members of the student council, Rebecca, Kagari, Rei, and Saeko had a meeting about the royal tour for First Princess, Veronica Lautreamont. Before the meeting, Rebecca received intel that someone has been seen in the city.

Her name was Avdocha Kiltzkaya. A former guerilla terrorist and assassin. 5 years ago, she attempted to kill Princess Veronica but she failed and escaped custody. She's been a fugative at large ever since.

Tokyo, Japan

In Tokyo, Japan

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In Tokyo, Japan. Princess Veronica was walking amongst her royal knights while Kagari and the other student council members  were walking by her knights. Kagari was looking around to see if Avdocha was amongst the crowd of citizens but saw Glenn and scowled at him. Those two really don't like each other.

Japanese Holy Chapel

Meanwhile, in a familiar looking church, Fourth Princess, Silvia Lautreamont was kneeling infront of a statue of God, holding her hands together as a sign of a prayer

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Meanwhile, in a familiar looking church, Fourth Princess, Silvia Lautreamont was kneeling infront of a statue of God, holding her hands together as a sign of a prayer.

Silvia: Dearest God, I come before you with the purest of hearts and I humbly pray that you purge me of my arrogance. Please forgive me for the imprudent behavior that has lead me astray.

???: Dearest God, please let The Hero of The Light's seed find purchase within me so that I may bare him his first born.

Silvia turns around to see Jessica Valentine kneeling beside her praying for a pregnancy.

Silvia: Have you gone insane, Jessica?! What kind of prayer is that?!

Jessica: Oh umm well, Why do you ask?

Silvia: Why? Come on! You're in such a holy place and you're praying about....getting pregnant.

Jessica: And what's wrong with that? I'm praying for a safe pregnancy. Besides, Nobles like you and I shouldn't have to concern ourselves with such trivialities. I'm sure God will work just fine here.

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