63 - Epilogue

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The air whipped past me, cool and dry. I held the door of the SUV open, glancing at my watch to check the time. "We're going to be late." I stated.

"How can we be late when we're going to Albania. Besides he won't care." Lira replied, still inside the car. Admir wouldn't care at all. But we were having a family dinner so I just wanted to be on time.

Little steps on the concrete raced over to me and then a hand grasped mine. Looking down, I smiled at my son, Emilio. "Dad I'm thirsty." He batted his eyes, big and beautiful like Lira's. I ruffled back his dark hair and ushered him onto the plane which was waiting before me. "Thiago! Get on the plane." I yelled for my eldest son.

He soon appeared from the other side of the SUV carrying a bag. "I was just helping mom." He shrugged, pulling down his T-shirt. I smiled. He was eight years old and was most definitely a mommas boy, as I am I suppose.

His dark eyes glittered, capturing the shining moon and stars. "Go on. I'll get them." I nudged my head to the plane and Thiago went over to climb the steps. He would keep an eye on Emilio and make sure he doesn't wreck anything.

I closed the door to the dark SUV with a rattling smack and went over to the other side. Lira was wrestling with the twins, trying to put on Luan's shoe that he kicked off whilst trying to unbuckle them. "Stop it. We need to go and I'll honestly just take you with one shoe on. I'm not bothered." She grumbled frustrated.

"Take Kasia, I'll do his shoes." I grinned flashing a quick look at my sweet angel. Lira had put a bow in her dark hair and she wore a yellow floral dress, the complete opposite to her brother who was having a meltdown.

Lira gratefully looked up at me and unbuckled Kasia, placing her onto her hip with effortless ease. They were so similar it took my breath away. Kasia had the same dainty freckles across her nose, the same dangerous dark eyes and plump lips. She would be as formidable as her mom.

Luan whined when he saw his mom leaving him behind and I looked down at the three year old. "If you weren't being so silly, she would have picked you up too. Now stop fussing and leave your shoe on." I tutted, grabbing the shoe off the ground. After I tugged it onto his foot, I unbuckled him and picked him up.

He babbled happily, blowing raspberries. My feet were on the steps of the plane when I felt Luan grab a tiny fistful of my shirt and kiss my stubbled jaw. I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Yeah buddy I love you too."

Once I had buckled in Luan who was sitting beside Kasia with Lira in between them both, I sat down flanked by Emilio to my left so he could look out of the window and Thiago to my right.

"Who wants snacks?" Lira asked, grabbing a bag and pulling out little bags of puffed cheese flavoured chips. "Me!" Emilio beamed a wide smile. Lira tossed him a bag and opened a bag each for the twins.

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