Yes, in a gay way : prinxiety + reader

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Sorry about forgetting to post the 28ths one :)
I didn't technically miss it bc i wrote it on the 28th and I updating twice today bc i forgot to post SO I HAVENT MISSED A DAY
anyways, h o m o s e x u a l s

Pronouns: they/them
Rundown: Roman asks Virgil to a coffee date and y/n's the hype person
Uh there's some swears probably
/3rd person pov\
"Just ask him out, you pussy!" Y/n playfully glares at Roman, who dreamily stares at his crush, Virgil, who is sitting across the room, discussing with Logan on how fucked the school education system is. :)

"And how do you propose I do that?" Roman inquires, as y/n rolls their eyes.

"Ask him to coffee after school. Simple."

"You might think it's simple, but you've never had a crush!" Roman fires back.

Y/n just sighs and shoves him towards Virgil. Roman stumbles, and glares at y/n as they smile and wave. Virgil notices Roman, and calls him over, while y/n gives Logan a look to leave so the two lovebirds can have some alone time. He nods, before excusing himself and joining y/n in the bleachers.

"Uh- hey Virgil! Nice to see you here." Roman instantly starts panicking, not knowing what to say. Virgil smiles, and Roman can just about feel his heart explode, butterflies enveloping his stomach.

"Uhm, I was wondering, Virgil, if you would like to get coffee sometime after school, maybe?" Romans hands twist behind his back as he rolls on his heels. Virgil's eyes widen at his proposal.

"Ye-yeah! After school is... wait, you mean in a gay way, right?" Virgil finger-guns to get the point across.

"Yes, in a gay way." Roman nods as he clarifies his words.

"Full homo?"

"A full homosexual coffee date."

Boom homosexual coffee date :)
HAPPY GAY DAY 30 ( one more day :'( ) TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF EAT DRINK SLEEP CLEAN YOUR ROOM (at least to be able to walk in it) DO YOUR SHIT THAT YOU NEED TO DO ILY <3

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