the cake of homo : sanders + reader

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And yet again i'm writing this earlier on a different device so formatting is weird. It's probably going to be like this for a while bc I'm writing earlier and not on my phone so it's a bit odd.
Have a drawing of mr. Boo I made :)

Pronouns: they/them
Rundown: Patton is out shopping and everyone else decides to make a cake for pride month :)

/3rd person pov\
"Y/n! Wanna make a cake?" Roman's head pops into the room, his face in a large smile.

"Sure, but isn't Patton out shopping?" Their voice shows obvious confusion, knowing that Roman basically can't cook, so who knows if he can bake.

"Yeah, but wanna help me and the rest of us make one?" He pouts, trying to tempt y/n into joining.

"Fine, but I'm only joining so you guys don't burn the house down." Y/n rolls their eyes as Roman lets out a happy shout, before dragging y/n and Virgil downstairs to the kitchen. Thomas was already there, holding a cake box. Janus was sitting on the couch, while Remus was talking about something weird as always.

"Seems easy enough." Thomas' voice catches the attention of Remus, who sees the cake box and jumps up.

"Making cake? Without me? How dare you!" He exaggerates his voice to sound more upset, and bounds over, before being pulled near the counter by Janus, who knew that Remus was probably going to stick his foot in the batter at one point.

"What are you doing?" Everyone's heads turn to see Logan, standing on the last stair.

"We're making a cake! Uh- Virgil, get off the fridge! No, y/n don't join him, you're just encouraging it." Logan sighs, and decides to help the mess of people make a cake.

//— timeskip to when Patton gets home —\\

"Guys! I'm... home?" Pattons voice trails off as he takes in all of the batter flung around the kitchen and walls nearby. Y/n walks into the room, a towel wrapped around their head, though some stray bits of wet hairs pop out the towel hat.

"Oh, hey Pat!" They wave, before grabbing some of the bags in his hands. Logan walks by, and notice Pattons confused look.

"We made a gay cake." He points to a relatively-circular cake on a wooden board, decorated with white frosting and skittles spelling out "homosexual :)", except Remus added to it to be "homiesexual :)", and no one decided to change it because why would they. Patton smiles at the cake, and gives the two a hug.

"Happy pride, you guys."


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