of course - child!Roman + y/n

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I'm grasping at straws here leave me alone :)

Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: y/s
Rundown: y/n babysits Roman he asks some questions.

Im taking this stuff from wholesome children being nice to gay people :) or something near that stuff
It's kinda just interactions between Roman and y/n not really actual story.

Roman: *nervously asks* are you a girl or a boy?
Y/n: I'm neither, I'm non-binary!
Roman: non-binary?
Y/n: it means im not a girl or a boy, and I use they/them pronouns.
Roman: Ok! What was you bike color then?

Y/n: my friend is coming over with his boyfriend.
Roman: he has a boyfriend? You can do that?
Y/n: yeah! You can choose who you want it date.
Roman: I thought I could only date girls
Y/n: you can date who ever you want to, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Roman: Yay! Now I can ask the pretty boy in my class if we can date.

I couldnt find anything else in a short amount of time and I'm tired so HAPPY GAY MONTH 16 EAT DRINK SLEEP TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF I LOVE YOU PLATONICALLY <3

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