Jasper - Soulmates

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My first Jasper oneshot! WOOO
This is the Red String Soulmate AU
(Rundown, correct me if I am wrong) The Red Strings of Fate connects your pinkie with a red string to your soulmate's pinkie.
I am not the most experienced with writing Jasper, and it has been a bit since I read HoO, so correct me if I misinterpret them!
They are not going to be demigods in this oneshot, as well as they are going to be aged up (20 years old)

Reader is not included :(

Just for reference, the time is 5:14 PM when the story starts.


/Third Person POV\

The door to the 20-year-old brunette's apartment busted open as she burst into the room, agitated.

"Another freaking application denied because they think that I won't be "proper" at work! Looks can be deceiving!" She fumed, storming to her kitchen. She decided to go on a walk to calm her down.

~Time skip to when she arrives at a local park~

She sighs, plopping down on a bench. She looked down at her pinkie, not noticing that the string seemed a bit more taught than before.

"This thing has followed me around for 20 years. How about it's time I follow it?" The female says, standing up and walking in the direction the string went.

/Now focusing on Jason - Still 3rd person - 5:14 PM\

Jason never understood why there was a red string on his left pinkie finger.

He knew it connected to his soulmate, but he had never seen it change in any way.

Sometimes, he thought it was a lost hope, that the string didn't connect to anything. That he didn't have a soulmate.

That was until he could have sworn, while walking by a group of buildings, the string lifted from the ground.

Jason started running towards where the string went, following it for a couple more minutes before coming across a park.

The park looked untouched, almost abandoned, before he noticed a person standing in the middle of the park, seemingly looking for someone.

Their eyes connected, and Jason felt a spark burst inside of him.

The person started running towards the boy, and he met them halfway with a hug, spinning them around.

After that day, they never questioned things the universe gave them, but instead, got through it together.

That was a short attempt of Jasper.

This might have seemed a bit out of character for others, so my apologies

Ngl, I felt so formal during this.

Like, outside of this, I'm literally informal as hell-

Hope you enjoyed it, I hope to start up a "normal" update schedule soon, but don't get your hopes up.

And if you saw my announcement from 3 days ago, my arm is better now, it is not sore anymore, so that is good.

I probably will do a lot of Soulmate AU's because those are my favorite AUs and I can write them easily without knowing much about the ship :l

Have a good day/night/whatever time it is for you


~Word count : 483 words~

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