Go for it! Prinxiety

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I'm trying to find as much gay prompts as I can bc my creative juices are OUT. Also I'm trying to study for my Italian final tmrw while doing this so sorry if its bad.

Yes, another Roman one, shut.
Pronouns: they/them
Rundown: Roman is gay for Virgil, and you help them out.
L/n is last name

/3rd person POV\
Y/n groaned at the thought of meeting yet another prince because their parents expected them to marry a rich prince. They get into the carriage, and stares out the window trying to mentally prepare themselves for this.

//---time skip---\\\

"Prince Roman, they have arrived." The messenger rushes in, before opening the other door wide. Roman sits up, not wanting to come off as rude to other royalty. The L/n family walks in, the King and Queen leading, with y/n trudging along behind their parents.

"Welcome, your majesties." Romans parents come to the middle, bowing, as Roman does the same. Unfortunately, Remus was out, doing his own thing to avoid participating in meeting royalty. Roman would much rather be out in the garden, silently watching Virgil, the handsome garden boy, do his work. He notices that y/n also had a bored look on their face.

"Now, why don't we go talk in the other room? Let's leave the two be to get to know each other better." King l/n gives y/n a wink as he walks away, forming a conversation with Romans father, the King of Reston.

Y/n takes a quick glance at Roman before shooing the guards away. An uncomfortable silence befalls over the two before y/n speaks up.

"So, you're also gay, right?" Their bold accusation surprised Roman, and he flushed a deep shade of red, blooming over his tanned face.

"Yes... Wait, what do you mean also? Youre gay too?" Roman asks y/n, but doesn't get his answer as they take his arm and opens the door.

"We're going to the garden, since it's a bit stuffy in there." A forced smile makes its way onto their face. The guards nod, and y/n runs off, dragging Roman along.

"Ok, since we're both gay, and don't want to date, why not get to know each other out here as friends?" Y/n exclaims when the  duo arrives in the garden. Roman was about to answer before noticing Virgil, and an even larger blush takes over his face. Y/n stares at him confused, before following his gaze to a purple clad gardener in the greenhouse. They smirk, and starts in his direction. Roman rushes after them, not wanting to embarrass himself.

"Someone's got a crushhh~" Y/n teased as they got closer. Roman stutters out some words before hearing his voice.

"Oh, good morning Prince Roman." Virgil looks at y/n with a head tilt, as if to ask what their name was.

"I'm y/n l/n, of (wherever tf your parents rule over). Now, if you would, Roman has something to ask of you." They push Roman forward, and he gives them a glare, before breathing in and looking at Virgil.

"Would you possibly want to go on a date with me?" His face got redder as he continued, as did Virgil's.

"I mean, yeah, if youre ok with it." Virgil rubs the back of his neck as Roman nods and y/n has a large smile on their face.

God my hands hurt anyways I learned that I cannot do Italian work while writing fanfiction

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