late night confessions - byler

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omg look i updated finally
and yes ofc I update with byler bc a wheel (multiple actually) chose this so I cant argue with it (definitely didn't alter it to fit in my favor what no)

no reader bc this is byler supremacy.
i haven't watched st in a while, but I will try to make it accurate
mikes a burglar /j

/third person I think\

"Goodnight Mike!" Will's voice carries through the phone, Mike repeating the goodbye back as he puts down the phone with a sigh. He was lucky that his parents agreed to him getting a phone in his room, otherwise he wouldn't be able to talk with Will as much as he would like to. Sure, he could use the walkie-talkie, but that isn't private enough. Mike gets up, still upset with himself. He promised himself that he would confess to Will, yet he here stands, Will-less. He knew that if he kept it in for longer, it would just come out a vulnerable moment, and he doesn't want his Will to see him like that.

"Fuck it," Mikes has enough of this tippy-toeing around. He was going to confess to Will, and he was doing it tonight, one way or another. Since they had just gotten off of the call, it would be awkward to call back. Plus, it isn't genuine enough to confess his love for his best friend over the phone. Will deserved much more than that. Mike decided he would sneak out as best as he could out of his window and pray that his father wouldn't hear him drop to the ground. Thankfully, Ted was asleep, and since it was already 11 pm (because Mike paced around his room for over an hour trying to figure out the perfect way of doing this), everyone else was asleep, which meant for an easy escape from his room.

Mike winced every time something would clatter, and it only made matters worse when he realized he had to go into the garage to get his bike, seeing as his parents would not drive him at this time, and he had no other option. Now that he actually thought about it, he did.

"... Hello?" A tired voice exits the phone as Mike smiles.

"Hey Steve, I have a favor to ask of you."

"It's literally 11 pm, couldn't you have asked this earlier?" Annoyance is quite evident in Steve's voice, more awake than before because of Mike.

"No, I couldn't have. Can you bring me to Will's house? Its urgent." Mike asks, picking at his hands in anxiousness.

"Why- Oh. Finally?" When Steve says this, Mike's face turns into one of confusion. What was he talking about?

"What? What do you mean finally?"

"Nevermind, I'll be there in 10." He hung up, causing Mike to let out a noise of wonder as he climbs back out of his window.

10 minutes pass, and a car silently pulls up. Steve frantically motions to Mike to hurry him inside the car as to ensure nobody knew that he was leaving. Mike rolls his eyes, almost slamming the car door shut but stops the force just at the right time. He lets out a relieved sigh, then tells Steve to book it. Turns out, Steve could tell that Mike had feelings for Will, as could literally everyone else, besides Will obviously. Even El knew when they were dating that they were into each other. Steve reassured Mike that Will liked him, but he was still hesitant about it. If it weren't for quite literally pushing him out of the car and to Will's window, Mike would have ran back home.

He pauses, thinking about what could happen. His hand meets the glass twice before he could process what was happening.

Thoughts of running away and never talking to Will again passed the boys mind, him subconsciously counting the seconds that it took for Will to open the window. When Will realized that it was just Mike out there, he invited him in.

"We got off of call not too long ago, did you miss me or something?" Will teases Mike, gently shoving him around. His demeanor changes when he looks at Mike's face, and he pats the bed for him to sit down next to him. Still, Mike doesn't move.

"Hey, are you ok? Is it something I said?" Concern envelopes Will's voice, starting to get worried that he did something that upset Mike and now their friendship was going to end.

"I know this is sudden, and I can understand if you dont want to be friends ever again, but there's something I need to get off of my chest. I- I think I like you. No, scratch that, I know that I'm in love with you. Everything that you do makes my chest tighten and makes my day so much better. Everytime you speak, my heart soars onto cloud 9. Each time we hug, my skin boils from your touch on me. I cant imagine myself living without you, William Byers. I would rather tear off all of my limbs if it meant I could see you one last time before I die." During his speech, Mike paced around Will's room to try to calm his anxiety, and when he turned back to look at the brunet, he saw tears in his eyes. He bends down in front of the crying boy, wiping his tears. Even when the tears dried, Mike caressed his cheek to calm Will down more. Will would try to speak, but the hiccups were too intense. Each time, Mike would shush him and just rub his cheek, resting his forehead against the others.

"I- *hiccup* I can't believe you like me back. After so long of loving you, and you're the one to confess." He lets out a little laugh, and Mike's face heats up.

After so long, he finally was with the one, his soulmate.

wowowow look an update :D

too way to long to write, tiktok is a great way to procrasitnate :/ they might be a little ooc, but i rushed it bc I'm tired its one am rn



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