Debts Of The Past

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Genevieve: "Hey. Where is he?" she hums, rushing into the bullpen with Jay beside her

Erin: "On his way back from Med. They kept the baby all night for tests, but it looks like everything's gonna be fine."

Genevieve: "Thank God." he breathes

Olinsky: "What the hell's this?"

Mouse: "Oh, this is the Intelliboard, and with it we can cross-correlate in real-time all of our investigative efforts, department-wide. Got instant GPS tracking, OCR scanning, and searchable databases. IP channeling. This is next level" he excitedly informs, the group perking up when Voight enters the room "Sergeant, you don't have to do that. I started inputting the..." noticing the hard look on Voight's face, Mouse nods, backing up as Voight points to the photo he posted on the board

Voight: "James Beckett. He's a triple-homicide felon Olinsky and I put away 15 years ago. Most of you know he's back out on the streets again on a technicality. Nothing more needs to be said about that. What does need to be said is he tried to kill me, Olive, Justin, and my grandson in front of my house. So the sooner he is in a box or a bag, the better. Am I clear?"

Commander: "You okay, Hank?"

Voight: "I will be."

Olinsky: "Olinsky."

Voight: "Where is this guy? I want to know if his discharge papers from Stateville listed a residential forwarding address. What properties he still owns."

Olinsky: "Hank, we got to roll. Now."


Jay: "Who's the driver?" he questions, coming over to where Voight and Olinsky stand beside a torched card

Olinsky: "Jacob Logan. Retired CPD. He was on the team with us when we took down Beckett."

Antonio: "Dios mio." he breathes, creating a cross over his chest as he bows his head


Kim: "It's the guy who was just released?"

Adam: "Yeah, he went after Voight and then took out a guy from me and Al's crew from back in the day."

Kim: "Hey, listen. Be careful today, okay?"

Adam: "Yeah, of course. Of course. You too, okay?" he hums, pressing a few kisses to her lips

Genevieve: "Ugh, okay, come on, come on."
Kevin: "Enough of that." they groan, pushing past the pair

Adam: "Come on."

Kevin: "I just talked to your buddy, Oliver. I don't think he's gonna make it to the bachelor party, bro."

Adam: "Why?"

Kevin: "I don't know." he shrugs

Genevieve: "Can you blame him?" she scoffs "You've been to one you've been to all. And you've had two already. Pushing the limit there, pal."

Adam: "Come on. No, I'm gonna call him." he hums, Genevieve and Kevin noticing a look that comes over Kim's face, making the pair exchange awkward looks

Kevin: "They need us upstairs, bro."


Lawyer: "Show me the warrant. Oh, that's right. You don't have one because my client is protected."

Joseph: "We're all just friends here, looking for a lead on where to find our mutual friend, James Beckett. You know, a phone number, a forwarding address. Why's it gotta be so adversarial?"

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