Kasual With A K

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Roman: "Get back! Move back!" he calls out to a group of people, motioning them away from a store as Intelligence arrives "We just got here. Dispatch relayed the witness heard screams and multiple shots."

Kim: "Store's quiet. No gunshots since we got here. No movement, no sign of hostages. Shooter might still be inside."

Voight: "Thanks. Move in! Stack it up." he calls out, motioning the group into the store

Erin: "Clear."

Jay: "Clear."

Coming around a corner they look over to find a man slumped against a wall with blood spattered around him

Jay: "No." he whispers after checking for a pulse

Genevieve: "Whatever's up there, he died protecting it." she hums, heading up the stairs

Antonio: "Clear." he whispers, looking around rooms filled with bunk beds before coming across a closed door

Jay: "Chicago police! I need to see everyone's hands!" he announces, throwing the door open which makes everyone in the room scream in fright

Woman: "Please! Please don't shoot us! Don't shoot us!"

Jay: "Are you okay? Is everybody okay?"

Woman: "Is he gone?"

Jay: "Who's he?"

Woman: "I don't know."

Jay: "Who's he?"

Genevieve: "Hey, come on out of there. Come on out of there. It's okay, guys. It's okay." she assures, motioning a group of kids out from underneath a bed

Erin: "Gunshot wound!" she calls out

Voight: "5021 Emergency."

Erin: "Easy, easy" she breathes, pressing her hand against her neck "You're okay."

Voight: "We responded to that call of shots fired. Need you to roll ambulances to 1950 South Throop. Multiple victims of gunshot wounds."

Erin: "Look at me, look at me."

Voight: "Plain clothes officers are on the scene. We'll put out a flash message as soon as we can."

Erin: "You're okay, you're gonna be okay."

Jay: "Sarge, offender's in the wind. We got patrol looking for him."

Woman: "Oh, my God. Jess! Jess!" she exclaims, rushing into the room

Erin: "Do you have a first aid kit here?"

Woman: "I don't."

Erin: "Find one or get me some towels."

Woman: "Yes, okay."

Jay: "What the hell is this place?"

Antonio: "It's a battered women's shelter. Secret location."

Genevieve: "Not so secret anymore."

Erin: "Hold on. You're gonna be okay." she nods as Jess begins rasping


Genevieve: "What can you tell me about Jess? How long has she been here?"

Woman: "She runs it. Is she gonna be okay?"

Genevieve: "We don't know yet."

Woman: "She's strong. She's the strongest woman I know."

Genevieve: "That'll help."

Woman: "Oh, God, is that Edwin?" she breathes, watching a gurney with a sheet covering it wheel by them

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