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I groaned as a I heard his voice, "5 more minutes..." I rolled onto my side away from the bright lights, "Y/n take this, you'll feel better." I sighed and slowly sat up taking the pill and downing the cup of water before rolling back over. That's when it all hit me, the memories from last night, where I was, who just took care of me. I shot up rubbing my eyes trying to let my eyes adjust to the room, "Woah calm down, it's almost 1 now."

My eyes widened, "Seriously?!" I jumped up getting out of the bed, "Woah Woah calm down, Kacey already told me. I called the Café and told them you had food poisoning, they told you to get some rest and come back tomorrow." I slowly fell back down on the bed, "Ugh! I need money but my head hurts~" I whined as he chuckled, once the room got quiet I realized what I was wearing, how I was laying and whose eyes were on me.

I looked up at him and saw him staring at me, "y/n...do you remember?" I slowly nodded, "Do you remember?" He nodded and sat next to me, "Do you regret it? I don't if you're wondering..." I shake my head, "I could never regret something like that." He smiled at me but soon his smile started to fade, "I just....I need you to understand that right now I can't be in a relationship." Okay wow not what I expected at all, I mean he just fucked me and then dropped that bomb on me after cuddling me to sleep??

"I'm sorry what?" I looked at him as he looked down, "Look, you make me feel amazing, there's something about you that pulls me in but with my career...I just can't be in one right now, I'm hoping you can understand that." I just sat there blinking, what was I supposed to say? "I understand...I'm just confused, you took care of me, you cuddled me to sleep, Sam does the same thing as you and he's been with Katrina for years. I mean I know I'm just a fan and I wasn't really expecting us to suddenly fall in love but damn I mean I was expecting something different than that."

All I could do was laugh at the end as I got up, "Wait where are you going?" He reached for my hand but I pulled away and kept walking, "Home." I had my phone in my hand as I walked out of his room and down the stairs, I could hear something behind me but I wasn't sure what so I just kept walking. I didn't realize until I was outside that I didn't grab my clothes or shoes but at the moment I didn't care. Part of me was heart broken that he could just act like that after what we shared. Hell he was calling me baby last night!

I didn't even feel like calling an Uber so I walked all the way home, my phone was dead by the time I left this morning so there wasn't much I could do. I knew I needed to give Katrina back her clothes- wait I'm in his shirt. That's when I realized that I just left Colby Brock's house completely in the open in his shirt, I hope no fans saw me.

It took me about 30 minutes and I was home, I left my keys in my wallet in Colby's bathroom so I banged on the door hoping Kacey would be awake. It wasn't long after that she opened the door, "Woah what happened?!" I didn't realize until then that I was crying, tears streaming down my face, I probably looked crazy. She pulled me in the house and locked the door. She pulled me into her arms and I hugged her while I cried, "Is this about Colby? Did he hurt you?"

At the mention of his name I cried harder, she pulled me to the couch and laid me down in her lap playing with my hair until I finally calmed down. Why am I so upset, we barely know each other. I mean yeah we fucked but we were both drunk...I still don't regret it though. "Sam and Colby showed up at the club yesterday, we all had fun and I got super drunk, Colby was tipsy but not too bad, we went back to his house and...god Kacey we had sex! It was so amazing, he took care of me and cuddled me to sleep. But...this morning..he gave me medicine for my hangover and then told me he didn't regret it but he couldn't be in a relationship. Not with his job but Sam's been doing it for years and never had a problem and it's not like I was expecting us to fall in love right away."

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