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For the last few days I'd been avoiding Colby, we barely knew each other so I'm not sure why he wasn't just forgetting about me. "Hello welcome to the Winchester Café! What can I get you?" I looked up making me fake smile drop, "Hey..." I took a deep breath, "What can I get you?" His hands were tucked into his pockets and he wouldn't stop staring at me, "Can we talk? I know you're avoiding me.."

I knew I couldn't keep avoiding him since I was now friends with his friends, "I get off in an hour." It was a lie I was actually supposed to be clocking out any minute, "Kacey told me when you get off...can you just please talk to me." I closed my eyes for a second and nodded, "Let me clock out and change." I planned to go out with Kacey tonight to the movies so I brought stuff to change into and planned to touch up my make up.

I felt bad for making him wait as I changed and fixed my makeup, "Have a good day James!" I called to my coworker as I walked out, Colby was sitting at a table outside, I let the door close behind me as I stood at the table. "I'll agree to talk if we can walk." He nodded and stood up, "I parked at your apartment anyway." I put my bag around my shoulder as we started to walk, "What is there to talk about?"

"Everything y/n. You won't talk to me anymore, no matter how much you hide it I can see how bad I hurt you." I could feel tears pooling in my eyes, "I don't know what to do...I hate that things are awkward now, I feel like I'm just bothering you and I'm being dramatic, I don't know what to do or say." I admitted to him, he stopped walking and leaned against his car, that was when I realized we were already back at the apartments.

"Then let me talk." He stared at me before I nodded, "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you..I've never been so intrigued by someone. I thought about it and my answer hasn't changed, I don't want a relationship but..if you're up for it. I want a club buddy, we could be friends with benefits. We'll know who we're with at all times and you won't have to worry about being in danger with someone else." My eyes were wide, I never expected that to come out of his mouth. "So pretty much...you're saying you want a fuck buddy?"

He ran a hand through his hair, "Saying it like that sounds really bad..." I smiled at him, "How about...I think about it." He stood up excited, "Really? I don't want you to think I just like you for the sex, I really do want to get to know you but..this way we can have more fun." I couldn't hold back my smile as I looked at him, "Like I said, I'll think about it. Do you want to come in?" He nodded, "Sure." I smiled and we headed inside to the elevator laughing at a stupid joke he made. It felt nice to be like this with him again, I told Katrina what happened two days ago after I felt better and she told me we'd have a girls day soon.

Once we got to the door I opened it and Kacey was running around, "Y/n! Oh thank god I have to go home!" My eyes were wide, "What? What happened?" She was in tears, "My sister is in the hospital, she was in a car crash! I don't know what to do I don't have enough money for a ticket-" I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed, "Consider it bought, you need to make sure she's okay, I'll just pull some extra shifts for the month, stay there as long as you need okay?"

She nodded crying in my arms for about 30 minutes on the couch before she passed out from exhaustion. Colby helped me calm her down and snuck to my room once she was asleep, I sat on my bed grabbing my laptop and looking for flights to Florida. "Are you sure you can afford to stay here by yourself?" I shrugged, "I'm not sure but I'm gonna try." I found a ticket for Kacey that leaves tomorrow, "What if I stayed here?" I was about to click the "book" button when he said that, "What?"

He took the laptop from me pressing the payment button and completing the transaction on his card before I knew what he was doing. "Why did you pay for that?" I looked at him shocked, "We get discounts because we travel so much." I rolled my eyes, "I hate that you keep paying for everything, and what do you mean what if you stay here?" He grinned at me, "I could stay here while she's gone, I can pay half here and my half at the house so I'm able to help you, and that would mean I can see you more."

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