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"I'm sorry what?"

He chuckled in my ear sending chills down my spine, "We're staying at my old house so you have to meet my parents, I want you to, you mean a lot to me." I blushed brightly, "Just get ready before Sam comes back." I said it with a giggle at the end to hide the fact that I was mentally freaking out. I walked back into his room and grabbed my suitcase taking it downstairs to sit with the others.

"Morning Y/n!" I smiled as I heard Kat's voice, "Hey~" She gave me a small hug and handed me some breakfast, it wasn't much but I was very grateful, "So how have you been? I feel like we don't talk as much anymore." I nodded in agreement, "When we come back we should have a girls day, I miss Stas!" She nodded and did a little dance because she was happy, "I'm doing good, Colby is as confusing as ever but we're good." She smiled, "He's always confusing." I laughed with her, "Who is?"

We both jumped when we saw Sam walking in the kitchen, "Colby." He laughed, "Oh always." We all laughed once again, soon Colby joined us and we left for the airport. The flight was a few hours long so I planned to get some sleep, we boarded the plane and got seated, nearly immediately I was asleep.


I felt someone nudging my shoulder, "Y/n wake up we're about to land." I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, I was met with Colby's face which made me smile, I leaned my head onto his shoulder and looked down at his hands playing with his rings as we landed. A few people clapped and soon we were waiting to get our suitcases, we agreed to meet back up here at the same time to fly back, Sam and Kat were going to his house and me and Colby were going to his house.

"Are you okay?" I looked at Colby as we walked, "Yeah I'm just nervous..." He smiled, "There's no need to worry, they'll love you, they know we aren't together so they won't make it weird." His words stabbed my heart but I pushed it to the side and faked a smile, "Okay." We got into an Uber, the ride was about 30 minutes so I played on my phone majority of the time, me and Colby showing each other random videos.

Once we arrived Colby stopped me, "One more thing, they don't know we're coming so this is a surprise." I slowly nodded my head as we got out and grabbed our bags, he paid the driver and we brought our bags up to the door. He softly opened the door and we snuck in quietly, "Hello?" We were silent as a woman walked around the corner, her face lit up as he eyes fell upon Colby, "Mommy!" It took everything in me not to laugh as he ran and hugged her tightly, I never expected him to be a momma's boy.

Colby told me on the ride here his mother's name was Lesa and his father was Layne, she pulled away and her eyes fell on me, "Oh my you're beautiful in person! You must be Y/n! My name is Lesa!" She pulled me into a hug and quickly I melted into it, I felt safe with her just as I did with Colby. "Thank you so much, you're home is beautiful!" I looked around as she smiled, "Thank you honey, what are you guys doing here? I thought you weren't coming until Christmas!"

He shrugged, "I just wanted to surprise you." She smiled, "Oh well your father is on his way home, why don't you guys wash up for dinner. It should be ready soon." He smiled and kissed her cheek, "Thank you." We headed up the stairs where Colby led me to his old room, I recognized it from old videos, not much had changed. He put our bags on the bed as I stared off out the window, I didn't realize how shakey I was until I felt my hand against my arm.

Colby walked behind me and rubbed my shoulders, "Relax Y/n, she loves you it's okay." I leaned into his touch taking a deep breath, "What about your dad?" He chuckled and kissed my neck, "He watches your videos all the time, he already loves you." So that's what his mom meant by "you look beautiful in person". Part of me broke when I realized what she meant, "I don't know I just feel weird being here because we aren't together but I'm meeting your parents." I laughed nervously, "You never know what could happen, they might like you more than me." He completely dodged what I said, I didn't want to make it awkward so I just changed the subject.

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