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The flight went well, Sam and Kat saw us off. Kacey called me and told me bye and even Stas called to say bye. Colby and I boarded the plane and things went fine, I slept on his shoulder most of the flight as he watched movies and napped towards the end. When we got off we found our luggage and headed to find the Uber that was picking us up. We found the car that was described in the message and got in after putting our bags in the trunk.

I felt so jet lagged, it was a three hours difference here so the sun was starting to go down. I slept through most of the day and I knew I'd be up late, "Where to?" I gave the house address to him and he started driving, it was about a 30 minute car ride. I texted the group chat to let them know we landed.

We just landed and are heading to the house, let me know when you all land.

Okay have fun! Sam and I leave tomorrow we'll let you know when we leave and when we land

....I'm here 🤣

Yes we know Stas 🤣

Stas you're literally next to me lol


I miss you guys already, let's have a girls day after we get back


Colby grabbed my attention by laying his head on mine, "You okay?" He nodded but I could clearly see how tense he was, "Baby, it's okay. They already like you there's nothing to worry about." He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it, "I love you okay? I don't care if they didn't like you, I like you and I don't care what they think." He slowly nodded and hid his face in my neck, I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, "You're such a baby." I whispered it in his ear and I felt him smile, he was starting to relax as we drove.

"So what are your parents like?" I looked at him from my phone, "They're pretty normal like yours only they bicker with each other a lot, my dad will try to intimidate you but don't let him get to you and my mom will probably hug you. They usually put on facade for new people but once they're comfortable with you, they won't care if they fight in front of you." He chuckled, "That sounds like my parents, just maybe not to that extent." I smiled and soon we pulled up to my childhood home.

It was a simple 1 story, nothing too crazy. It was in an okay neighborhood and things were good. I saw my sisters car there and smiled, "Great I can surprise them all at once." Colby smiled, "You didn't tell them we were coming?" I shook my head, "They think we're coming in two days." He smiled and we grabbed our bags and paid the driver, we walked up to the door and I squeezed his hand before slowly opening the door. The kids were on the couch and looked at me to which I put a finger over my mouth, they jumped up and ran to me quietly and I thanked them as I hugged them tightly.

I heard voices in the kitchen but the TV was loud enough to mask our sound, I took my shoes off and told Colby to wait by the door way to the kitchen. He nodded and watched me as I just randomly walked in and opened a cabinet to grab a cup, I was surprised when I saw that things were moved and no one had noticed me yet. "Did you move the cups?" My mom and sister stopped and looked at me with wide eyes, "Surprise!" My sister screamed and ran to hug me as my mom joined her.

"I thought you were coming in two days?" She was so loud as she hugged me, "Nope. I wanted to surprise you guys." My mom looked up and caught a glimpse of Colby smiling, "Oh my is that?" My sister joined her, "Oh shit he's tall." I laughed and grabbed Colby's hand bringing him into the light, "Mom, Lacey, this is Colby. Colby my older sister Lacey and my mom." He held out his hand and my mom shook it, "Hi I'm Franky, it's nice to meet you in person." My sister shook his hand and smiled, "It's so weird seeing you in our house after watching you on a screen for years."

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