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When we walked in she seemed really nervous, "Colby told me." Her eyes widened as I looked at her, "Kacey had his phone playing music in the car and saw the message you sent him, she showed me and when I walked outside he told me." She looked like she wanted to say something and cry at the same time, "I'm so sorry it took so long Y/n I didn't think it would be good coming from me and I kept telling him to tell you-"

"It's okay." She stopped and looked at me and I hugged her, "Don't ruin your makeup because of me." We both laughed as she sniffled, "I thought you were gonna be really mad..." I pulled away and looked down, "I was at first..but then I thought about, I had a drink as I thought about it, and I realized that what happened in the past happened. At least you guys wanted to tell me and didn't plan to hide it forever. And he told me about the restaurant, I'm not mad because this was my idea and Sam chose the place."

She smiled at me, "So were okay?" I nodded with a smile, "I just have to figure out how to talk to Colby without crying." She hugged me this time, "Y/n he really does love you, he talks about you all the time to us. He had yesterday planned himself and just asked us for help to set it up. I've never seen him this invested in someone before." I smiled, "He is really sweet." She pulled away and smiled, "Don't be afraid to speak your mind. To be honest, we didn't work out because we were too much alike. Both stubborn and headstrong, you guys are too but you balance each other out. I wasn't very good at the balancing part."

I laughed and the door opened revealing Kacey, "Hey..." I smiled at her, "All good. You were right there was another explanation." She sighed, "Oh thank god I thought I was gonna have to kill him." We all laughed and fixed our makeup, "Let's go eat!" They cheered and we walked out, the waitresses were sitting our food out, Colby looked at me worried as I sat down, I took his hand and placed it back on my thigh where it was before everything and whispered, "I love you." He smiled, "I love you too." Everyone started to eat, we all talked and had fun, Amber said she wanted to collaborate with us to which we agreed. The night went on and we had fun, I had a few drinks which provided entertainment for everyone else, I was tipsy but not drunk which was good.

We heard someone yell and looked over, "What do you mean she can't perform the last song?" A guy that looked like the manager was yelling, "She's sick sir, she can't perform the last song live." Kacey stood up, "Excuse me sir, sorry to intrude but are you looking for a singer?" The guy looked at her and I ducked making Amber laugh, "What's the song?" I couldn't hear but when I heard the gasp I just knew, "I have a friend who has an amazing voice here and she loves that song." She pulled out her phone and I started to down my water, "What's up with you?"

Nate noticed bring everyone's attention to me, "You'll see." Colby smirked and rubbed my shoulder, "Y/n." I groaned and slowly looked at her as she waved me over, "Wait what?" I sighed and stood up putting a smile on my face, "Ma'am you have a great voice your friend showed me, do you think you could sing this song?" I looked at the playlist and it was like the universe aligned, "Yes." Without hesitation I answered, "As long as I can dedicate it to someone." He smiled, "You can do whatever you want as long I get a singer." I smiled and he took me by my arm towards the stage. Kacey went and sat down and I could feel the entire tables eyes on me.

~Colby's POV~

Kacey sat back down as I watched Y/n, "What's happening?" Amber was confused as she asked, Kacey responded, "You guys have never heard her sing, half of this table has and that was to a song she never practiced. Colby, this is her senior year song." My eyes widened, "Are you serious?" Nate chimed in, "Senior year?" This time I answered, "From what I was told she was in chorus in high school and she did a solo at the concert senior year and performed in front of really big companies."

"I never told you but they were all over her. She turned them down because she didn't want the fame of a singer." I looked at Kacey, "Seriously?" She nodded, "They still send her emails each year asking for her." I looked towards her as she waited to get on stage, the manager walked to the mic and grabbed the restaurants attention. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, for our last life performance we have a special guest, she's not from around here, her name is Y/n. She has courageously offered to perform for us." He clapped and so did the restaurant, she walked up on the stage with a smile.

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