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I woke up to the sound of shuffling around my room, memories from the night before came back and I couldn't break the smile on my face. The sun was shining through the curtains we forgot to close last night, "Colby?" I realized the space next to me felt cold, "Go back to sleep Y/n imma run and get us coffee." His voice sounded worried, I smiled and nodded, "Okay be safe."

I heard his footsteps leave my room, the front door opened and closed behind him. I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I grabbed my phone moving the blanket, that's when I remembered I was naked still and needed clothes. Colby wouldn't be too happy but I got dressed and sent an update message to Kacey. Her sister was doing better now and everything was going well.

I walked into the kitchen deciding to make us breakfast, just as I finished I heard Colby open the front door. "Hey I made breakfast." I smiled at him before going back to breakfast, he walked behind me back hugging me as he buried his face in my neck, "I thought I told you to go back to sleep?" I smiled leaning into his touch, "I couldn't so I got dressed and made you food." I felt him smile as he kissed my neck and pulled away, "I got you coffee, I tried to remember what you ordered last time." I made our plates and walked them over to the island, "I'm sure it's good."

I stood up on my tipy toes and kissed his cheek as I grabbed my drink and went to my seat, "So there's actually something I needed to talk to you about.." I looked at him as I took a sip of my drink, smiling as he had gotten it right. "Go for it." I could tell there was something wearing him down and I wanted to know, "Me and Sam are going back to Kansas to visit family." I stopped moving, I was happy he'd get to see them but at the same time I was sad, "Okay well have fun." He just stared at me as I continued to eat avoiding eye contact, "Y/n....you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I've known my whole life that you travel a lot, I'm happy you get to see your family." He put my fork down taking my hand to turn me towards him, "Y/n I can tell you're upset, talk to me." I sighed and looked down at our hands, "I don't know what's wrong, I really am happy for you but there's a selfish part of me that doesn't want you to leave." He lifted my head and caressed my cheek, "I could buy you a ticket, you could come with us." His voice raised as he got excited but I frowned, "Colby I have a 5-9 type of job that I just started, I can't be asked for vacations and time off or I'll get fired and then I won't be able to pay rent."

He frowned and looked down at his food as he started to eat, "Just think about it, we'll figure something out." I nodded and continued to eat as well, once we were done I started the dishes and he went to my room, his phone rang and he answered it. I decided not to eavesdrop and just do my dishes, once I was done I finished my coffee up and threw it away heading back to my room. "Okay thanks I'll tell her." I walked in to see Colby hanging up the phone, "Who was that?" I plopped on the bed and he smacked my ass, "That was your flight." I looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

He smiled and leaned down kissing me, "Well I just made a few calls and took a few calls, Kacey and Sam are completely down with the idea. You guys are moving in with us, for now you're going to quit the café and we're gonna help you guys more with YouTube while you work on the books on the side as well as she does college. This means you can come to Kansas with us!" I was stunned, Colby just threw my life for a loop, everything I had figured out he just changed, part of me was a little upset that he wouldn't let me do things my way but the other part of me wouldn't shut up because I was about to move in with Sam and Colby!

"What?" It was all I could manage with all the questions and thoughts running in my head, he smiled and kissed me again pulling me on his lap. "You are going to be living with me." Butterflies filled my body as I blushed at the thought, "Why are you doing so much for me?" He shrugged, "I'm very fond of you." I giggled at his words and laid on his chest, "So this means you need to pack everything and be ready by tomorrow." My eyes widened, "For what?" He made a plane noise making me laugh and fall on my bed, "We leave at 4 in the morning, so we have to be asleep early."

"What about my job?" He waved his hand, "I'll take care of it." I smiled and kissed him deeply before rolling off the bed and starting to pack, "How long are we going to be there?" He put up 4 fingers meaning 4 days, I packed quickly making sure I had everything as he went down a list for me. Once we were sure I had everything I grabbed the rest of what I needed and we headed out of the apartment and down to his car.


"Colby!" I squealed as he tickled me on his couch, I was purposely messing with him and he got up and started to tickle me, "You did this yourself." I laughed loudly before we heard a knock on the door, it distracted him long enough for me to escape his grasp and scream 'help' as I ran to the other side of the room, Sam opened the door cautiously and looked around the room, "He's tickling me!" Sam laughed as he shook his head, "Me and Kat are going to sleep now, you guys behave and make sure you're up in time, Colby." His mouth fell open in defense and I laughed, "I'll make sure he's up goodnight Sam." He said goodnight and closed the door, "Now back to our regularly schedule program." I didn't realize how close he got until I was backed against the wall, "No! He said they were going to sleep!"

He rolled his eyes and picked me up throwing me on his bed, "So are we." I smiled and quickly got under the blanket hiding my whole body, he turned off the light and walked to me getting under the blanket. "Would you come here?" I giggled, "No you'll tickle me again." He wrapped his hands around me and pulled me to his chest, "Sit up." I was confused and did so, he sat up with me and yanked my shirt over my head, "Colby! What are you doing?" He didn't respond as he unhooked my bra making me cover my chest, he laid me back down and pulled my shorts off of me as he threw his shorts around the room.

I was speechless as he laid back down pulling me close, "I told you before, I hate you in clothes." All I could do was laugh, he kissed my head and wrapped his hands around my back in a protective manner. It didn't take long before I heard light snores echo from him, I smiled and leaned up kissing him softly before cuddling into his chest and passing out.


Colby's alarm went off for the second time, I groaned and turned it off feeling his grip tighten around me as I tried to leave it. There was a knock on the door making me jump and cover myself more, "Hey just making sure you're up." I smiled, "I'm about to wake him." Sam nodded and closed the door again, I groaned and rolled over to face him. Slowly I kissed him, our lips connecting, it didn't take long for him to smile and kiss me back, it was the best way to wake him up. "Morning, it's time to get ready."

He stretched with a groan as I got up and started to put my clothes back on, "Y/n~" I looked back at him to see hair in his eyes as he tried to look at me, "Just stay naked forever..." I laughed and shook my head as I walked to his bathroom where I laid out my toiletries last night and quickly got ready before putting it all into a bag in my suitcase. I felt arms wrap around me making me melt into his touch, "You do know why I wanted you to come right?" I shook my head, "Not really.."

"You're meeting my parents."

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