Chapter 61- Darkness

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The thing that keeps one living is a sense of future, knowing that there is a tomorrow where things can change hopefully for the better.

However in that moment the darkness was all consuming suffocating in its absolution. Yet above all else the isolation was the worst part. Nothing was around, nothing to give hope as the tears seemed to drag one deeper into the fog that made up the dark.

All the while one could feel that in the darkness though they are more alone than ever, they were surrounded. Shouting at the top of their lungs but no one would look up.

"Wake up-" A voice says, "Wake up-!" It screams but it's noise is so far away.

"Wake up please!" The voice pleaded.

Tell me, why is that when fantasy and reality mix it's never as sweet as the dream itself? Why does the fantasy hurt so much more when it becomes real?


Lilith couldn't explain it but the next thing she knew, she was pushing Conner away.

"No, no...Stop," She muttered shoving him away as Lance and Tucker were suddenly there between Conner and her. Lance was barely standing on his own but even through the mask you could feel that his glare was intense.

Lilith tried to focus on anything mostly Lances injury. Trying to think of how to help.

"Lil-" Conner started but paused when Lilith gingerly took Lances injured arm in her hands.

"You're hurt," She mumbled, with barley a thought the plants grew what looked like bandages of moss that tied themselves around his arm effectively stopping the bleeding.

Lance nodded his thanks before turning his gaze back on Conner.

"You're with them?" Conner blurted sounding almost hurt at the idea. "Talk to me Jewel Weed," He pleaded.

"I-I can't-I can't do this," Lilith said her voice shaking before she turned and ran. Lance seemed to know she was going to do it because without even asking for it when she turned the corner there was a portal waiting for her.

Lilith jumped into it and not even pausing to look as the building behind her collapsed. She didn't even stop to take notice of the damage the fight was doing to the town.

Her brain wouldn't process it. The fight between villains and heroes was raging and all she felt was sick to her stomach.

Wrapped up in the darkness that now consumed her brain. Lilith floated down to the tree, it glowed in the darkness like a beacon. Once her feet touched the grass she was cacconed again in comforting darkness.

Although she wanted to try and process what was going on all she could think about was a darkness that seemed to have taken root in her mind.


"Stay away from her!" Lance shouted, moving to stop Conner from following Lilith. Feeling more confident now that he wasn't bleeding all over the place.

"Move," Conner scowled, and despite standing toe to toe with these two boys. Neither group recognized the other, not beyond the mask of hero and villain they each wore.

"She made her choice Super-boy back off," Tucker said, though he and Lance didn't feel like much of a threat against Super-boy at the moment. Both covered in sweat and blood, mostly their own.

Conner looked between the two, something about them felt familiar but his mind was too focused on Lilith to care. Every second he spent arguing with them Lilith was getting further away. He wasn't about to lose her after how long it had taken him to find her.

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