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Well, you did it." Yang said.

"You waited patiently and stuck it out." Guts said.

"Welcome to Signal!" Both fifth-teen year old's said at the same time. Behind them was the small, thirteen-year-old form of Ruby. She was literally hopping with excitement.

"Yes! What're we waiting for!? Let's get to class!" The young girl said as she dashed through the entrance. Yang and Guts exchanged amused looks before following her inside. Having been at Signal for over 2 years now, Yang and Guts were very familiar with the building. They led Ruby to her locker and showed her where all her classes were. They walked Ruby to her first class and told her they'd see her during lunch.

"You think she'll be fine?" Yang asked as she and Guts walked down the hall to their first class of the day. She knew Ruby was old enough to take care of herself for a few hours, but it was her job as an older sister to worry about her.

"This is what she's wanted for a long time Yang, she'll be fine." Guts reassuringly said. They entered their first class of the day, which was a weapons workshop with Qrow. As the name suggested, the classroom was a workshop filled with all the tools students would need to build their weapons. They quickly sat down in the front row as Qrow walked in, weapon in hand.

"This year, you'll all be forging your own weapons. Remember, your weapon reflects who you are, it's an extension of yourself. As such, copying some other hunter's weapon part by part is not a very good idea." Qrow said. "Before we start any of the actual building, you kids will have to draw your own schematics. We'll also have to go over safety procedures and all that, but all you really need to know is to point the part that's either pointy or on fire away from everyone else." Qrow finished. He passed out paper so students could do some sort of rough draft before finalizing their design on a computer.

"Still don't know what you're going to build?" Yang asked, not looking up from the firing mechanism she was drawing.

"Nah, Qrow helped me figure out what I'm gonna build." Guts said as he started drawing mechanisms and gears at a fast rate.

"So, what're you building?" Yang asked as she briefly looked up from her sketch.

"Gonna have to wait and find out." Guts said with a smile. Yang gave him an annoyed look before going back to her drawing, as Guts recalled his conversation with Qrow

...2 Weeks Earlier...

"So?" Qrow asked. In front of him Guts was experimenting with Qrow's weapon.

"The weight isn't a problem if that's what you're asking." Guts said as he swung the scythe form of Qrow's weapon. The older hunter had to admit, Guts was surprisingly good at wielding it even though he's never had any experience using a scythe.

"I can see why you choose your weapon, but it's honestly not really my style." Guts said as he changed the scythe back into a sword.

"With your strength, even a knife would make mincemeat of any Grimm," Qrow said as he nodded in understanding.

"Besides, I think my great sword will serve fine." Guts said as he presented the sword. Qrow sees him effortlessly performing strikes impressed by the level of strength he possess, however he notices the sword's poor condition with scruff marks and nicks "yeah that goods and what not but, it will mean nothing if it is in poor condition." Qrow stated as Guts looked at his sword and let out a sigh. The sword was already rough but now he has to find a solution either find a blacksmith or get a new sword.

"Yeah I know but we could worry about that later. I still need some sort of firearm and I'm not interested in getting a transformable weapon if it means to sacrifice the weapons integrity so I'll make due in carrying two weapons however I need to ..." Guts said as he trail off in thought

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