Chapter 17: The Wedding, Part 1

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O.K guys here is chapter 17, so sorry for being delayed, but as some of u might know I was busy with the discussions for the gentlemen club, so I kinda got a little sidetracked. My fault entirely, and I am so happy I finally got the chance to catch up with Iain and Sarah again. I hope I don’t get sidetracked again.

Well I hope u enjoy this chapter just as much as the others and I hope u can all let me know how I did. As always plz support “A Christmas Wish” with your VOTES and COMMENTS if you like it. This novel can really use it and believe me I appreciate every single bit of feedback; it motivates me to write, so keep the love coming hahahaha.




(Part 1)

Oh she had really done it this time, way to go girl she thought, she had just well and truly put her foot right in her own mouth. There was no way she was getting out of this one intact.

Well it was no good acting like an innocent child now; she had to face the arrogant barbarian sooner or later. Sarah could feel him breathing down her neck as it was. Now all that was left to do was to turn around and tell him what she had just told his men.

Yes that was exactly what she would do she decided, screw him anyway; who did he think he was? She wasn’t going to get bullied into marrying him and that was that.

Sarah raised her chin purposefully and scrunched up the courage to turn around to confront the man standing silently behind her. But the words quickly died on her lips the minute she spun around and had a good long look at the intimidating stranger staring right back at her. And what she saw was more than enough to shut her up.

The black wolf was at his fiercest best.

The expression on his face was bland enough but the look in his eyes was anything but. He was staring at her glacially; it made her feel cold inside. For a second she was stunned because of the way he was looking at her. This wasn’t the same man she had seen yesterday in the field. Then he had glanced at her warmly, there had been emotion in his gaze. True it wasn’t the kind she had appreciated at the time but in hindsight she preferred that look to the one he was bestowing on her right now.  

He was staring at her like she was the lowest form of insect that crawled in the dirt. Was he really that furious because she had run away from him? Come on! she had expected some anger but the condemnation flaring from his grey eyes was completely out of order.  He was making her feel like she had done the worst thing imaginable, betrayed him in the most dastardly way, and he hadn’t even said a word yet.

He merely conveyed all those things with a single look.

As far as she was concerned she hadn’t done anything wrong in the first place, alright she might have tried to dupe him just a bit, but she had to put all the blame for that squarely on his wide shoulders.

What did he expect for God’s sake? That she would bow and scrape before him like everyone else. Well he had another thing coming if he thought that, she was going to very kindly disabuse him of that idea, well okay not kindly perhaps, she might just yell a little bit. But she was determined to get the job done.

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