Chapter 43: The Fair, Part 2

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Alright here it is, every time i think i wont write again something comes over me and i write a whole chapter out of the blue. 

This one came to me like a deluge, i couldn't stop writing and before i knew it i had another chapter written. 

I hope it is worth the wait for all the people who have remained so very loyal and have waited so very long. 

I might not be the most prolific of writers but i do endeavour to put my best foot forward. 

I hope the effort shows.

Happy Reading!

And please leave plenty of comments, good bad ugly i like hearing from readers above all else.  

The Fair: Part 2!

Frustration was not an easy emotion to deal with, certainly not when it was tinged with dawning depression and a pretty healthy dose of self righteous anger. But if she was truly honest about it, Sarah was certain it was actually the overwhelming sense of profound loneliness assailing her that trumped just about everything else she was feeling.

Especially now that she had discovered something that was about to completely change every facet of her life.

"Come away from the window milady, tis a bad omen looking out at the setting Sun,"

Sarah squelched the quick retort that sprang unbidden to her lips, Instead she sighed and stepped away from the tiny window, with its sprawling view of the Mclaughlin village beyond.

Sarah was truly grateful Briggitte had invited her to stay with her, but the poor woman lived in a small hut herself, and though her hospitality was exemplary, Sarah was beginning to feel like an interloper. How could she not, knowing that her formerly timid friend had unceremoniously kicked her sputtering husband to the curb because of the stand all the village women had taken on behalf of their mistress.

The niggling feeling of guilt for the upheaval she had unconsciously caused everyone else in the village made things far worse for Sarah.

God, If only she had the strength to wring Ian's stubborn neck for putting her in this position, that bull headed jerk, Sarah thought uncharitably. 

The unreasonable devil was so very stuck in his ways he probably couldn't see past his own pompous nose, she decided, counting his litany of failings in her mind for the thousandth time.

This whole forced separation would be over by now if only Iain had the grace to concede. But no, Iain was just the type to dig his heels in, and unfortunately so was she. But she was the one with red hair Sarah told herself unreasonably, it came with the territory, what the hell was his excuse?

Morosely Sarah hunched down onto the single straw chair in the centre of the one room hut, her chin resting absently on her hand.

Sarah watched Briggitte go about fussing with her new baby. The little mite was cute as a button but had quite a pair of lungs on him. He slept all day and raised hell all night. Staring now at Briggitte cooing softly to the bundle of chubby cuteness that was little Eric with a tangled mop of unruly white fluff atop his little head, Sarah was hard pressed not to lower her own hand to her belly.

But she somehow squelched that impulse.

How many days now? Sarah wondered.

Since she had first realised she had missed her last period.

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