Chapter 30: Wicked Designs!

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O.K guys here is the next one, hope you like it. Don't forget to tell me what you think, I need loads of feedback......and please don't hold back, it is your comments and feedback that motivates me to write, it is the only thing that makes this tedious, draining and difficult process of weaving a story as long as this one worthwhile in the end :-)

Chapter 30:

Wicked designs;

"Ye look like a crone wearing them stilts."

Sarah glared at Aga, "I don't remember asking your opinion."

"Well I am givin' it tae ye anyway," came the swift rejoinder, "Take care Lassie or ye'll break yer Bonny little neck walkin' 'round in them things."

Sarah decided to ignore Aga. It was the easiest way of dealing with the woman. She pointedly looked away and pinned Megan with an inquiring gaze.


Megan cleared her throat; she tried valiantly to frame an answer that would satisfy her mistress. It was hard not to agree with Aga at this point.

"They look......hmmmm.....different." was the best she could come up with.

Sarah's face fell.

Different was not what she was going for.

Sarah stared down pensively at her feet. She had tried her best to make a strapless pair of high-heeled, open toe sandals and evidently the attempt hadn't yielded the results she had been hoping for. She had even gone to the trouble of asking Una's husband Douglas, the local carpenter to make her a pair of four inch heels, spending a good deal of time with him discussing the finer details.

Unfortunately that idiot had made her heels alright; the problem was they weren't even. One was definitely longer than the other and he had whittled away the wooden tips down to fine points so it was damn hard to balance on the bloody things.

And it was far too late to remedy the situation now Sarah despaired, Iain was going to be back tomorrow and she didn't have the time to hack at another pair of shoes. Plus, Douglas had taken a good four days sticking these heels onto her homemade sandals; she couldn't let him muck up another pair.

Sarah waddled her way over to the other end of the room, cursing under her breath. These heels were not giving her a sexy swagger; they were making her walk like a pregnant penguin instead. She tried swishing her arse but that almost made her fall flat on her face.

"Are ye alright, Lady Sarah?" Megan rushed to her side.

"Fine, just fine!" Sarah grumbled. This was going to take a whole lot of practice.

"Thaer's still time lassie; Take 'em off 'afore they kill ye," Aga said, cackling at her own joke.

"That is not funny, Aga." Megan said, trying her best not to join in.

"Aga, you better stop with the snippy comments or I will throw you out of this room myself."

"How? Ye'd 'ave tae get tae me first and it dae nae look like ye're goin' anywhere in them clogs."

Sarah glared ferociously, Aga remained unrepentant. She merely continued to watch the freak show from the safety of the bed.

Sarah wanted to wring the old crow's wrinkly neck but Aga was right, she wouldn't be able to get to her. Not with these torture heels on her feet.

So Sarah focused on something more useful, she lifted her skirts up to see whether the straps she had had Helen make for her looked any good.

Helen at least had done a stellar job, the leather straps fit like a glove. They encased her slender ankles and twined sinuously around her shapely calves. In fact they looked quite nice.

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