The Things Guys Do

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Aaron Jr
When I found out this prick bought those pills and used them on my cousin before I knew it. I decided to stop all this crap. My cousin ended up paying a price for my stupidity. Make me wonder who else could fall prey to this guy. My friend sold him those knowing who he was going to use them on, well that didn't go down well, so I set the friend up to be caught in the act. Still does make up for him doing that to my cousin, well giving it to his friend knowing it was cousin a naive cousin at that. So I followed him and waited and he really did get her pregnant and was stupid enough to sign his rights away not knowing he sign away his rights to be the father of a future billionaire. He really has no clue, so I threw salt into the wound and waited until they got rid of this trash, not that I am much better, but I can do this for Case. She has always treated me right. She has never ratted me out for the drug use. Now I wished she had and she probably does as well. Her mother was being a bitch to her rather than being understanding. I saw that Daisy was keeping case close to her and watching over her. I decided to call grandma Daisy myself.
Aaron Jr called me on the phone and we spoke and I had him put into a rehab center even after he came clean about his part in what happened to Case. He wants to go be on the farm and help with Case. He is of age so I told him we need to be sure he gets clean and then he will be watched very closely on the farm and the new sheriff. Sheriff John Collins will be keeping his eyes on him. He can't have his friends down there at all. He will be working hard and Case will be seeing someone there along with an OB/GYN. I am told a mr Sands is here with his son, wife and an attorney. I tell them to let them in but have security and Ray Jr join us. Security and Ray jr arrive in my office nest Nathan Sands the father of the baby comes inside then Robert Sands and finally Sheila Sands. Ahh only three of the eight sands have arrived. Guess Donald, Trevor, Joseph, Carlos and David stayed out of this battle, probably because the party they had, included drugging and raping naive young women including my granddaughter. I found out they tried to get Anastasia and Annabelle to come to the party but they blew them off. So they targeted Case and Laurel. Laurel refused any and all drinks but they had already hid Case after drugging her. Case told me she had a rape kit done and they checked her blood for drugs. She had no idea who until he approached her and bragged about it and told her she had no proof he had raped her or drugged her. So here we sit with the smug looking faces thinking they have just won the lottery. Can I help you with anything. Mind if my attorney records this along with me.
I look to dad and mom and they say sure why not. So I tell Mrs Steele that I was tricked into signing my rights away by the attorney. He failed to tell me my baby was and is an heir to billions. Mrs Steele laughs.
Mrs Steele
Oh you really believe that don't you? So you believe that your child will be an heir to billions do you? Are there any billionaires leaving money to a baby of yours in your family? Because that would be the only way a child of your would be an heir to billions. I think you might be thinking of my granddaughter case being an heir to billions, but not her bastard of a baby. You know I think the attorney said and he recorded you saying you weren't the father of her baby and you signed a statement stating that prior to signing your parental rights away to the bastard she is carrying in her womb. I ask the attorney to confirm what I just said and tells them exactly what I said. I have no idea why you three came here today, because unless you can explain to me how Case got pregnant, because she has no idea how she got pregnant because she went to the hospital after a party she attended and they drew blood and did a rape kit. That was the only time she lost consciousness. I think I heard it was Nathan and his five brothers who threw that party my other granddaughter recalled it and the day and she refused any drinks or food, but case had disappeared before she could warn her. Your boys wouldn't allow her to find her. Can you explain why you are here to claim a child that your son here claims now is his when he signed his rights away. It seems very convenient to claim the baby since apparently you did have sex with case. That you are correct you didn't have sex with her, you drugged her and raped her unconscious body. We can prove it and now that you are here let's get a DNA swab shall we? They try yo leave and the policeman behind them arrest all three of them. My attorney got letters from his parents asking for a hundred million dollars each to assure they don't take the baby from Case after it was born. When Nathan said it was his baby he basically admitted to drugging and raping Case. So off he goes with those horrible parents of his. The warrants for the DNA was signed and their home was searched and they found videos of more than case being raped after being drugged but all six of those boys were in on it. My great grand baby will have the best. I used bastard just to get my anger out on them. I tell my attorney he did good and expect a bonus. You are too generous too bad you won't marry me he tells me. Oh hush we are too old for such nonsense. Come for Christmas Robert might as well bring those hooligans with you it should liven up the day.
Robert Allen
Okay I sure will you have some very pretty single ladies there. Albert likes Case and was very sad at her predicament. Don't be surprised if he asks her to marry him lol. Don't tell her that though.

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