Another Family Member

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I can't wait until Mia arrives back from Paris. She has a big surprise for all of us. I hear a few grumbling from Carrick's side of the bed and suspect he knows what it might be. He finally tells me that he was contacted over the internet through messenger video by Liam Steele. He thought he was imagining things but took the video anyway. Apparently he asked for Mia's hand in marriage. They had met at the Steele's first Christmas with us and we never notice they seemed to be gone a lot at the same time. So he gave them his blessing and thought no more about it until now. I hit him in the head with my pillow, why am I now just hearing about this?
I don't know why she hasn't told you yet, but that was a year ago that he asked me that question. I thought she would have already talked to you about this. I guess not. There might be more that we don't know about. When is she arriving?
You mean they are are arriving. Christian told me there are four of them arriving from Paris along with their security and a few employees moving back to Seattle. We are getting visitors at lunch time tomorrow depending on weather conditions.

I look at my family and think about what all I have kept from my family. Liam couldn't keep anything from his grandma Daisy. I thought Christian was the one to worry about, Daisy knows a lot more and her security is like white on rice. The marriage was caught very quickly. I don't know why Daisy and Christian haven't told my parents yet. I didn't even hear from either that they knew, but they definitely know. They also know about our twin boys. Andrew and Allen Steele. I heard about Kate and Elliott getting married and her cousin pretty much blinding her and nearly killing her. Still amazed how she broke out of a mental institution and made it back to Seattle. We finally land luckily we had both bedrooms on the flight back home. No mile high sex for GEH employees on this flight. Our babies and us needed them both. As their bosses sister they aren't likely to think they can do as they please on the jet. Liam thinks it's funny how they look scared if I look in their direction. I got mad when they woke up the boys after I just got them settled and they quieted down. We see a long line of GEH vehicles waiting for us. We are helped off the plane and car seats are waiting in the car we are lead to. Leave it to Christian to send those. I was wrong Daisy is waiting in the front seat for us.
Did you think I wouldn't be here to pick up my great grandchildren? I am happy to see you both again. Sorry I could only stay a couple of days for their birth. Both babies have the Steele blue eyes and the dark hair. I am pretty proud of them. Mia and Liam swore Christian and I to secrecy about the boys. Between those two nothing can be a secret for long. A few of us that needed to know because of security reasons were brought in on it. I bet Christian was stunned as well myself. But I now have more great grandchildren.
I had a full day and couldn't greet Mia so I made sure they had everything they needed to transport the babies safely. They were my priorities other than my employees arriving back in Seattle. Three of them have a month to prove to me they are not guilty of certain things while in Paris. Mia is not the best when it comes to business and three employees took advantage of her naive and good heart. But it will be resolved once they arrive in the office today. I have everything I need to have them arrested for embezzlement using Mia to obtain the money from my Paris office. They talked her into investing in a property and took her to one very nice one, which in fact the property was close by but far less valuable and needed a ton of work. However what the three didn't know was that the place turned into a gold mine and they had failed to put their names on the documents of purchase. Mia was going to be stuck they thought. The extra money the three divided amongst themselves each got over two hundred thousand US dollars. Mia got the title of ownership of the domicile and the land surrounding it and two weeks after it had became hers properly. As in most everything Mia always lands on her feet. The land she had bought with the decaying home on it, but the better home was built on her land and surveyors were the ones who found it out. She made three million dollars on the deal thanks to her luck. Liam helped her negotiate the deal. So today I am allowing enough rope to hang themselves.
I knew those three were up to no good when they were getting Mia to check out a good investment. I asked security to find a way to record everything. Grandma Daisy gave me an idea and it was a great idea since she has had to cope with people trying to encroach upon our family estate if they bought land on the edge of it. Her survey teams proved time and time again the new property owners were lying and in some cases they lost property by demanding a survey hoping because of her age she would just concede. She told me she is nice to those who are nice to her, but try to steal from me by claiming my property as yours and you have crossed a line. Only once was she wrong, but it was a mere six inches and she fixed the issue to their satisfaction. We get out and we each carry a boy to the Grey home and we are greeted with looks of surprise. Even blind Kate looked surprise to hear we are carrying babies.
The announcement was made about our 18 month marriage and subsequent birth of our twin boys. Dinner was fun, they all wanted to hold the babies. What I was surprised about was the adoptions of an infant and his sibling by Christian and Anastasia. Ashleigh and Theodore Grey were here as well.
Grandma Daisy
Case married Albert Lewis and they are being trained to run the orchard and farm. The boy was named Albert Lewis jr. We did a conference call and her son is handsome. He wears clothes like Albert, Albert adopted him and signed his birth certificate as well. Nathan has no idea where they are and the Sands think they can still get money from the baby's birth after their son raped her after drugging her. I have hopes his son never finds out any of this. All of the family have agreed to it.

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