Kate's Man

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I was given a choice, I either pay attention to Kate or lose her. So I chose her. We are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend.
Elliott chose me. Take that Annabelle Steele. I smile as we leave after a very nice night. His parents were driven hone last night. Christian spent the night with Anastasia on the sofa. Mom and dad stayed the night as well, Ethan decided to leave because the one he wanted was leaving. I have no idea who that was. Oh well. We are starting the new year off together and I am so excited about it. Elliott is taking me to his brother's place in New York to see the ball drop for New Years Eve. Christian is hoping that Anastasia will join us for it. At least that is what he told Elliott.
I ask Anastasia if she would be willing to join us for New Years Eve in New York at my apartment there to celebrate and she says as long as we have separate rooms.
I explain that we will have separate rooms and others are going to be joining us. Mia is coming along with a few of her friends and I would prefer Anastasia come to protect me from my sister's love struck friends. When I told her that she accepted my invitation without hesitation. Grandma Daisy told me that there will be no notching my bed using Anastasia to add said notch to it. I know what Grandma Daisy is capable of, I saw the police report about her perfect shot she took killing the burglar.
Grandma said something to Christian privately before we left. Annabelle has other plans and I saw said other plans. Charles Robinson jr has asked her out. Charles senior and Robert have been told they need to remember they work for my grandma and as such they are never going to be much more than employees that are also just friends and not husband material. So they left heartbroken. I didn't tell my grandma, but they were players and had more ladies than a young bachelor on the hook because it is hard to find men of their caliber at their ages. I think she already knew because she got some mail and calls from several elderly women telling her to leave their man alone. Grandma ordered me some clothing to wear in New York and packed it before I saw any of it and handed it to Jason to put in the trunk before I could check it out. I know my Grandmother very well I have to open those things in private. Annabelle told me in quiet that she knew Elliott was bringing Kate on the trip. We just wish each other a happy New Year and I get into the car to go meet everyone Gail is going with us and her children are staying with grandma Daisy. Extra security are joining us.
I am already on board the jet finishing up several business deals that include one Raymond Steele Jr and I are involved in and little did I know merging with him would not be easy. But we both came to a tenable agreement which benefits us both and assures we never end in a monopoly situation again. It also assures for future generations to be provided for monetary wise. The Steele and Grey merger in the diversified markets will be a separate entity from GEH, but will be also a cooperative venture. I am looking forward to working alongside him and Daisy Steele. I had no idea the powerhouse they both are and they both have created a huge company that has amassed availability to any and all they need to keep Steele going well beyond the future and then some. The original Raymond was good but Daisy was from the original dynasty and I want to learn how she thinks. Ray jr laughed and said good luck on that. His mother has a unique business mind along with family driven it all works well, but her abilities to keep loyal employees along with it is why they keep growing strong in numbers. In going through the whole company I saw they kept up on all improvements along with they hired families as well. Assured this families were well compensated. You would think that the more generous they were the less they had, but people bought because they trusted the quality of the product and services. I hear The others arrive on the jet and see Anastasia sit down in front and I get up to invite to sit by me. I save everything after I sign the final document my attorney has reviewed and told me it was what we asked for. Anastasia comes and sits with me on the back seat area. I am so glad she joined us.
I am nervous about flying since I have never flown so I sit in the first seat I get to. Christian comes and asks me to join him as my luggage is placed on board the plane. He brings me to what looks like a sofa with seatbelts and has built in screens on a private panel in front of them. A clear tray flips down to use for other things. I sit down and he tells me about the jet and where the bathrooms are and it has two bedrooms in the back. He says Kate and Elliott are back there and should be out soon. I see them come out and they look disheveled and they sit in front of us.
I am going to enjoy myself even if the living reminder if Annabelle is joining us on this trip is coming with Christian. After all it is Christian's jet and his apartment in New York and the party will be great to attend. My cousin and her friends will be able to make it for the party. Elliott told me that I could invite a few people so I have. My cousin and her friends have tried to meet Christian and my parents said this would be a good way to get rid of the Steele twins.

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