Walked On Water

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I was getting ready to fly to Seattle to announce my engagement to Robert Grant a restauranteur in New York. I got the call I was always dreading. Robert is taking time off to join me under the circumstances. We have to all come back to Seattle rather than the farm. They are flying in for this. As they should.
I wished that our baby had arrived but it is a month or so until he arrives. Christian loved the two children so much he wanted to add to our family. We have some very interesting role playing now. Grandma would be proud.
Ray jr
This is going to be a tough time, all the kids and siblings are coming in and we don't have enough room due to staff and security around all of us. We have called ahead and tried to get things ready. I am waiting to see the latest RV come driving in for the event. I was glad to hear that Liam married Mia. Okay I caught them in the pool and I turned and left because they were adults and it was three am. They never knew that I saw them and I kept it that way. But mom saw them and me. So she teased me a bit about it. She loves to tease us it is when she doesn't tease you that you know something is wrong. Recently she was a bit off her game. Constance and I are grandparents and we have a new prospective on life. We travel a lot now and enjoy our time alone. Donald is a priest of all things and has tried to convert us. Liam chose a good wife. They have four children now and they are about to have number five and did. Carla and Daisy are working with GEH and Steele and doing great, their married to workaholics like themselves. Both are thinking adoption is a better choice for them at this point. The foster children have never worked out sadly. I told her to stop trying out children and they did. Not many have mother in laws bring their children right to their door and they adopt them. The whole story about how she found them was heartbreaking. Like how she delivered Anastasia and Annabelle while my sister Carla was dying.
Kim, Dawn and Timothy are mad because they are required to come to Seattle and bring their ungrateful wife, husband and kids with them. Dawn and Jerry have one boy Alister, Timothy and Ellen have three daughters, Angela, Carmen and Ana. We are being flown in for this.
Samantha is doing well, Daisy, Asher and Emma are doing great. Cameron has sold the RV and they are living on a boat now. The kids all are working different jobs and enjoying having an actual home that doesn't have wheels on it. Daisy is married to a farmer named David Jenkins and has a daughter Jennifer who is a genius. Asher is a reluctant bachelor with two boys Anthony and Albert Steele. Emma is a dating a doctor Gary Grimes. I really don't trust the guy.
Aaron Kavanagh is finally making a name for himself but at the cost of our marriage. Aaron jr and Laurel. Aaron Kavanagh Jr is father of six children and not married to any of them. I try to warn these young ladies, but they won't listen to me. Arron is hard to get child support from, but I will not let my grandchildren go without. Mom made sure they were Steele's and are Aaron Jrs and all of them are. Six lovely daughters, Dabney, Alisha, Colleen, Aileen, Alma and Andrea they are three sets of twins to three mothers. Dabney and Alisha is Stormy Jones daughters, Colleen and Aileen is Fredericka Santini's twin daughters, Alma and Andrea are Glynis McDonald's twin daughters. If it hadn't been for Daisy I wouldn't be able to see all of them. She makes sure they get money in their accounts regularly and has set it up to continue until they are grown and have careers.
Grace Carter
Samuel died last year, Samuel jr and Paul are working in the company along side me. Case is married and has three children now. We don't speak of the rapist. So many things that I wanted to do to him and the whole sands family. I have had chances to remarry, but Samuel Carter was my soulmate. Mom missed out on her soulmate, but she loved Raymond Steele with all her heart just like she loves those who she gave birth to. Plus her workers and her charges. That kind of love is hard to find. She gave it to do many and they gave it back. Some not as much as she gave them, but she never kept a tally of what she gave or got in return. The funeral was beautiful. They had lines waiting to show grandma Daisy how much she was loved by all those she loved and cared for. The funeral was head at first light and people were still arriving at dusk to pay their respects. Constance finally broke down after keeping her head about her and standing strong along side Ray jr and Daisy. It was as if she lost her own mother.
As we all sat down for the reading of her will, we had no idea what was written in it. But as much as she threatened to leave a dollar to some, she didn't do it. Everything was divided in a way that made perfect sense to everyone who was at the reading of the will. It took six hours to get through it all. Her loyal workers were included in the will and she made sure the farm and orchard were to be kept in the family. She was always thinking of what was fair for everyone. Most of her money went to the family and loyal workers. But she left money to get Kate Kavanagh's blindness checked by the best doctors in the world. She left money for orphans and abuse or rape victims. Then to build a huge place for homeless and others to get help. There were no fights or arguments over who got what in the end because she didn't want that at all. We were crying as we left the place they held the reading of her will.
A great loss for everyone as I hold my sobbing wife. I carry her to the car because she can't walk in her condition. Her grandmother died watching her favorite comedy the Big Bang Theory, Anastasia told me that she at first thought it was about sex, I looked into it myself and died laughing and realized just what a character Daisy really was. I will never forget the suitcases she packed for Anastasia for her trip to New York.
I thought mrs Steele hated Kate, but her leaving money to see to it she got the best in the world to see if they can find a way to get my wife's eyesight back is amazing.

Raymond Steele took my hand and we left the earthly plain hand in hand. We look at those we left behind and we see our true soulmates holding hands crying at losing both of us. She has came to my funeral where Ray and I are buried by each other. His grave stone old and weathered and mine newly placed. Both of us smil and think they will join us in heaven soon. We whisper the love we have for them and walk away.

Daisy lives on in her namesakes and those she touched by being there.

The end hoped you enjoyed the story.

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