Twenty Eight

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Sam walked into the library the next morning and found Gabriel at the table observing Michael, who was looking around at the different books. Sam went over and sat down next to Gabriel. "Hey. Babysitting duty?"

"I guess you could call it that. I decided to give Amenadiel a break. It's unnecessary though. Michael doesn't need to be babysat. He's not gonna hurt anyone."

"Well, we don't know that for sure. I mean, he looks harmless, but we don't know if he'll snap," Sam said. He didn't think Michael should be underestimated. They knew how dangerous he was. He'd orchestrated the apocalypse. They needed to be careful.

"I do. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. All he wants is to feel safe," Gabriel said quietly.

Sam looked at Gabriel sadly. "It has to be hard for you to look at him like this, both because he's your brother and because you know what he's been through."

"I feel bad for him. He literally went through Hell, and it broke him completely. His mind couldn't take what was done to him. I do sympathize with him. But do you wanna know something truly messed up, Sam? A part of me resents him for being like this. I resent him for being able to shut the world out the way he has. Look at him. He's smiling. As long as he doesn't hear Luc...our brother's name, or loud voices, he's the happiest being in the world," Gabriel said. He wished he could be like this sometimes. He wished he could forget everything and be obliviously happy, albeit insane, like Michael was.

"That's not messed up, Gabriel. I can understand wishing you could check out mentally, that you could shut the world out," Sam said. He felt like that a lot of times. Every time he thought about the Cage, a part of him wished he could go back to insanity. It wasn't exactly a great time, but it was easier to deal with what he'd been through when he was crazy than now that he was sane.

"I never thought anything could break Michael. I would think I would long before he did. I guess that means he had it worse," Gabriel said. It was hard for him to believe that anyone could suffer worse than he did. Then again, he was sure Michael and Sam thought the same.

"It doesn't have to mean anything. People handle things differently," Sam said.

"This is inaccurate," Michael suddenly spoke as he was looking at one of the books.

"Uh, well, everything here was written by humans. I'm sure they don't know about everything they wrote about," Sam said.

"Yes, I know. Humans shouldn't write about things they cant understand. Angels are beyond your understanding," Michael said.

"Not mine," Sam mumbled a bit bitterly. Aside from Cas, Gabriel, Lucifer, and Amenadiel, he didn't think much of angels. They all showed him they were no better than demons.

"We weren't always like this," Gabriel whispered to Sam. He could tell what the hunter was thinking.

"You're still not. There are a few exceptions, and you're definitely one," Sam said.

Gabriel smiled in response. "How about we go see about breakfast. I don't know about you, but I could do with some pancakes."

"You don't need to eat," Michael said as he put the book down and looked over at his younger brother.

"Actually, I do. I'm low on Grace. Plus, I like to eat anyway. You should try it. It's really good," Gabriel said.

"Okay. If you say so," Michael said.

Sam and Gabriel led the way out of the library and down to the kitchen. The others, aside from Amenadiel, were all there as well. Lucifer was cooking while the others were seated.

Dean was the first one to notice Sam, Gabriel, and Michael. "Really? You bring this dick down?"

"You want us to lock him in a room?" Gabriel asked sardonically.

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