𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲

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This story begins in an orphanage.
You'd think this orphanage was loud, or perhaps bustling with noise.
I can confirm that this orphanage is rather
Different and so are the children that live In it.

This orphanage has some rather peculiar rules.
First: any form of trouble you're immediately sent to the timeout chair. The time out chair is-- Well, A rickety old chair that sat in the corner of one of the orphanage's many rooms.
Second: was to be quiet. Merilla (the one who runs the orphage) absolutely hates any type of sound. to summarise: she has misophonia and very, very bad anger issues. Desolate doesn't even begin to describe its dull nature.

Children were taught at a young age to be silent.
And because of this rule some children became mute and/or developed social anxiety.
Though one among the depressed children is rather different.
His name:
Y/n Luphus
He's Modest, intelligent, and slightly awkward. Children and adults alike think he's a waste of space.
From the way he manages to unintentionally brew trouble to his unquestionable brilliance.
And because of this, he spends half of his days in the time out chair. He hated the stupid chair.
It creaks at small movements, everytime he shuffled it creates an annoying loud creak causing children to stop what their doing and stare at him. He usually just stays there and reads or procrastinates to pass the time.

Y/n had a dreary schedule:
Wake up, eat, sit in timeout chair, eat, then sneak out at the middle of the night.
The orphanage was in the middle of a forest surrounded by ocean somewhere in England.
Y/n spends his time in the wilderness,
He's never really fit in with the other children not just because of their gloomy view of things but because they fear him. They say he's insane: ergo to him saying that he's able to move things with his mind. they fear him because of the way that he knows just exactly how you feel or what you think, They say he's mad.

He's never had friends, no, never.
He tried to talk to them but they just avoid him.
They think he's nothing more but trouble.
But who could judge them?
He is trouble.
And because of that, he was forced to think that there was something terribly wrong with him. He's left to stand in the dark,
He too was once a gloomy depressed child.
But he realized that he wanted to be different,
He wanted to be happy, he wanted to live life to the fullest. And he knows his foolish bravery will lead him to an early end
but he doesn't care. he feels that he's destined for more. he knows there's more to his life than this gloomy air he's forced to breathe in.

And this leads him to the start of something far greater than he ever imagined.

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