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I opened my eyes to see a bright blinding light.
As the gleam faded I was met with the blurry purple robes of... Dumbledore? He turned to me then smiled.

"Awake at last, Y/n?"

"Professor Dumbledore? Where-- what--" I sat up but was quickly pushed back down by Madame Pomfrey who came out of what seems to be nowhere.

"Mr Luphus, No, you must rest!"

"Alright, alright." I grumbled laying back down.

"Y/n, do you at all, remember what happened?"
I glanced at McGonagall, surprised that she was even here, or the fact that she used my first name.

There were but three people here, Dumbledore, Madame Pomfrey, and McGonagall.

The memories suddenly flooded back to me, how Quirell pathetically revealed his secrets, how he sent some type of spell at me.

"Professor Dumbledore! I-.. I-.."
I tried talking but I couldn't, something was wrong, definitely wrong.

Dumbledore seems to have noticed the look of horror I had and quickly stated his thoughts.

"What is it you have to say, Y/n?"

"Q--... H-..." no matter how hard I try to explain my words came out as an un-understandable stammers or unfinished sentences.

The three discussed with themselves.

"Perhaps, the truth concealing spell?"

"Most likely, Poppy."

"truth concealing spell?" I managed to mutter out.

The adults seemed to have forgotten I was in the room, they turned to me, giving each other a glace, well, McGonagall and madam Pomfrey.

"Mr Luphus, can you tell us what exactly happened?"

"I.. Qu--.." and again it came out as unfinished words.

Though this seems to have answered their questions.

"Indeed, a truth concealing spell. Y/n, is there a way you can give us a clue?" McGonagall queried.


"Slowly, Luphus, take note of what you say." said Madame Pomfrey

"H-... Their  Name, it starts with the letter 'Q'."

"Q..." McGonagall was deep in thought before Madam Pomfrey's eyes widened In realization

"Out! Out! Mr Luphus needs his rest,oh!, We've been stressing him since he woke up!"
Madame Pomfrey urged the two professors out.

Dumbledore sighed, knowing that Madame Pomfrey was indeed correct.

"Y/n, when matters get worse, come talk to me."
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with a knowing look before he left.

McGonagall turned to me, I had just realized the look of utter concern in her eyes.

"Luphus, Take care, my, my heart can't take another one of your stunts!" McGonagall's words were laced with concern and dread, she stood there for a moment before she sighed and left.

Harry Potter Male!Reader InsertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang