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I hadn't slept since last night-- you can blame Ronald for that. I was currently walking down to the common room. I felt quite droopy, and maybe a bit sleepy, but that didn't matter. either way if I go back now I'll have to deal with a certain red head's horrendous snoring, besides I wanted to be early for my first day. I walked down and saw that Granger girl from yesterday reading a book. I walked up to her.

"Good morning."
She yelped.

"What did you get here!?"
She asked clutching her heart, looking as if she was having a heart attack.

"What are you reading?"
I asked ignoring her question, I won't lie I find it quite amusing sneaking up on people, though I don't mean to sneak on them, it just happens.

She gasped for air.
We stood there in an awkward silence staring at each other before I broke eye contact.

"I'll just go then."
I said,
She seems to have a look of guilt.

"No, wait sorry... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She said covering half her face with the book avoiding eye contact, I smiled.

"You didn't make me uncomfortable Granger, either way it's fine. I need to get ready anyways."
She nodded.

As I changed into my uniform. I stared at myself in the mirror. I wonder why had my parents left me? why am I suddenly thinking of this? I've never thought or cared about them till now. Am I broken? Am I flawed? Is this why they left me? I felt my heart ache at the thought of this. was I not good enough for them to keep?

I sighed and went back down pushing those thoughts aside. I saw Granger in her uniforms. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Do you want to go to class together?"
She asked, I saw no reason not to so I agreed.

"Why not?"

We finally arrived at transfiguration class, I opened the door for Granger to enter.
Once she'd and I had entered I noticed a cat that sat on the professors desk and it seems that Granger noticed too.

"Good morning professor."
She said, Seems she's done her reading as well.

"Good morning professor."
I greeted. The cat leaped off the table transforming into McGonagall.

"how did you two know it was me?"
She asked intrigued.

"I've red about animagus, professor"
Granger replied, McGonagall then turned to me.

"I've red about them as well, it's said that some animagus' has a certain characteristic of themselves that'll appear in their animagus form, in your case, professor--" I pointed at my eye.

"your spectacles."
McGonagall seems to be impressed.

"Very well, It's nice to know that two of you has made an effort to study, 10 points to Gryffindor for both of you." she turned back into her animagus form and jumped back into the desk.
Me and Granger glanced at each other.
Seems I'll have a rival this year, hopefully it'll be friendly. I merely nodded at her and took a seat behind her.

A few minutes later students started piling in, taking their seats before they started chatting.
None even bothered to pay mind to professor McGonagall, probably thinking she was a pet of her's.

Harry Potter Male!Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now