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'Hello, Y/n.' I could see the weird smile creeping into his face making me shiver, not in fear, but disgust. I mean, who smiles like that?

'What-' Quirrell was about to start before I cut him off.

'How do I get rid of the spell?' I asked as more of a statement than a question.

'Y/n, Y/n, Y/n...' Quirrell tutted. 'Did your elders ever teach you some manners?'

'No,' I glared at him. 'And quite frankly neither did yours.'

His face converted into an ugly frown.

'Oh, Y/n... You always were such a smart mouth.'

'You never answered my question.' I'm not having any of his bullshit. 'How do I get rid of the spell?'

Quirrell stood still, looking at me as if I was a stain.

'Perhaps you haven't learned your lesson from our last meeting, have you?'

He took out his wand, but I was quicker.

'Expelliarmus!' Quirrell's wand shot out of his hand. 'Accio Quirell's wand.'

He stared at me in disbelief, in outrage.

'What?' I sneered. 'Don't think a first-year like me could learn such an advanced spell?'

'Why you little-!'

'Pity,' I stared at his pathetic figure. 'A man could be beaten easily by a mere child.'

'Shut up!' He looked as if he was about to explode.

'Now tell me. How do I get rid of the spell?' I said more sternly.

'Why should I tell you?'

'I've got your wand, would be a shame if it were to--' I bent his wand. 'Snap.'

Quirrell stayed silent, looking more and more frustrated as his wand slowly got closer and closer to snapping.

'Fine!' He yelled. 'The person who cast the spell must break it.'

I, of course, already knew that. I just need him to do the spell without him somehow shooting me with another one. I tossed him his wand, whilst still pointing mine at his chest. I've got him right where I want him, perhaps he's got me backed up against a wall as well.

'What makes you think I'll do it?' Now we were facing each other, wands pointed.

'Let's make a deal.' I lowered my wand, perhaps not the best idea, but trust me, will you? 'If you remove the spell, then I won't tell.'

Quirrell thought for a moment then glanced up at me.


Your detention will take place at eleven o'clock tonight. Meet Mr Filch in the Entrance Hall.
Prof. M. McGonagall

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