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The sound of the sighing breeze fills the silent night. It was the first week of January.
Snow sat a top the trees leaves and the ground was covered in white. Somewhere in the forest sat a tree house. Through its small glass less window you could see a boy sitting on the floor. he had short wavy H/C hair, his E/C eyes glowing due to the fiery lamp that sat beside him. His two hands gripping a mysterious letter he received this morning.

He'd been rereading the letter for the past few minutes since he's arrived at the tree house.
He lifted his head up and glanced outside the glass less window beside him.
He stared into the dark snowing sky-- pondering the events of today.

Y/n was groggily eating his food.
It was his 11th birthday today but absolutely no one remembers. He expected nothing less.
It's been like this ever since he was young.
No one cares about you and you don't care about them.
He Finished his food and placed the plate on the sink. Y/n was caught sleeping in the library during curfew, they assumed the worse and gave Y/n 2 weeks of the accursed timeout chair. Y/n swears he feels as if that stupid chair is somehow binded to him.
sighing Y/n sat on the familiar rickety chair in the dusty corner. As he sat there he heard children whispering among themselves trying hard not to make much noise due to the dreaded old Merilla.

"I wonder what he did now."

"in trouble? Again?"

"He's truly insane!"

whispers upon whispers filled room before Merilla barged into the room leaning on her ironic cane with a woman who had a sense of mystique.

"Y/N someone's here to meet you." she grumpily said. He stood up from the timeout chair and made his way over to Merilla who ordered Y/n to bring the woman to his room for a private chat.

"why exactly do we have to talk in my room?"
Y/n asked causing Merilla to glare at him.
He groaned and led the woman to his room while Merilla-- being Merilla
was screaming as he walked away with the woman telling him not to cause trouble and not to ruin the orphanage's reputation. Not like it has much of a reputation. The orphanage was clearly run down and it's literally in the middle of an abandoned village. the room was fairly simple the walls was a dirty white and you could see the wall paper peeling in one of the corners. There was a bed, A desk with a chair, and a closet.
Y/n closed the door behind him offered a seat for the woman then he sat on his bed when the woman started talking.

"you must be y/n correct?"

" yes, who-who are you exactly?" He asked narrowing his eyes suspiciously at the woman.

"My name is Minerva McGonagall. Im a Headmistress as well as a professor at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry." As if she'd rehearsed this.

"witchcraft? Wizardry?"

"Yes, Hogwarts it a school that teaches magic." Y/n looked at her as if she was insane. She then took out a letter and gave it to him. He took it curiously as he examined the letter. He flipped it around seeing that the letter was addressed to him, he started to read.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Harry Potter Male!Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now