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Time was passing by like thickly blown wind.
I finally had access to the library once again, I searched all I could about Flamel while Harry and Ron continued slacking off. sadly, I found nothing about this mysterious man. Hermione who came back the day before term

Had scolded me and Harry, I had a hard time determining whether she was mad that we were out of bed or sneaking out.

I had told them that I was an orphan the day Hermione came back from holidays.

"Y/n, you know we wouldn't just abandon you just because your an orphan..." Said Hermione one day who was discouraged that I was afraid they'd abandon me.

"Yeah, I mean, I think it's kinda cool, You've got all the freedom in the world!" said Ron.

"Not really all the freedom in the world..."
I thought, I was heartfelt when they treated me no differently when I told them I was an orphan.

"thanks guys..."

We're about to give up on investing this Flamel person, despite the fact that I know that I've heard of that name somewhere and I'm very sure Harry did too. We went back to skimming through the library books for ten minutes during break, and Harry had less time than me, Ron, and Hermione all together because of his quidditch practices.

We were in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione and Ron were playing chess. chess was probably the only thing Hermione ever lost at. I was sitting on the floor flipping through the pages of my small photo album.

Why did I suddenly crave the love of a family? When had I become sentimental? Perhaps its the way I see the Weasley family having such a wonderful time together, or the fact that I finally had someone to relate too. it was no doubt that I had gone soft during my time here in Hogwarts, not that I'm complaining, I felt more humane.

I saw Harry sit down beside Ron looking like he had been hit by a bus.

"Don't talk to me for a moment," Said Ron. " I need to concen-- " he caught sight of Harry's face.

"What's the matter with you? You look terrible."

I stood from the floor and made my way beside Harry.

"Did Snape do something again?"
I said lazily.

"Well... I guess?"
Harry explained Snape's sudden sinister desire to be quidditch referee.

"Don't play." said Hermione at once.

"Say your I'll." Said Ron.

"pretend to break your leg." Hermione suggested.

"Really break your leg."
Ron said, I gave him a look.

Ron asked, I shook my head with a look of disapprove and turned back to Harry.

"I can't," said Harry. "there isn't a reserve seeker. if I back out, Gryffindor won't be able to play at all." At that moment Neville went toppling up the portrait hole and into the common room. His legs were locked together and immediately my thoughts went to a single curse.

"the leg locker curse."
I thought, Poor guy, probably had to bunny hop all the way to the Gryffindor tower. Everyone was laughing except me and Hermione who was about to do the counter curse but I beat her to it. I sighed and stood up performing the counter curse.

Harry Potter Male!Reader InsertNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ