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No, I wasn't the smartest. Though, I will admit that Quirrell is by far the dumbest professor here at Hogwarts. Yes, he knows a few about muggles, but other than that, useless. He can't even determine what's the use of a television correctly. More proof he's dumber than me? Alright.

He let me go, scot-free after getting rid of the spell.


Perhaps that should be my little quote. Idiot. Seems as if I'm surrounded by idiots these days, then again, when was I not? I shook my head, this always happens. Rude thoughts come in like a flood to my brain when I'm stressed. Now, where is McGonagall?

Just in time, she turned the corner.

'Professor?' I called out, she glanced at me, her gaze softening.

'Yes, Luphus?'

'Is there a way I could contact professor Dumbledore?' I could see her visibly frown. 'Is there something wrong?'

'No, no.' She waved me off. 'When-?'

'Now, please.'

'Alright.' McGonagall nodded, warily, no, concerningly giving me glances.

I followed her to a strange golden statue, she said something I didn't quite understand for I was too busy with my thoughts. If Quirrell found out, then I'm dead, killed by binding of promise. Merlin, I didn't even realize that both professors were calling out to me.



'Sorry,' I snapped out of my trance. 'What was that?'

'Professor McGonagall has told me that you wanted a small chat?'



'It's professor Quirrell.' I glared at the floor, I never thought I'd say this, but I hate saying that brain-dead man's name. 'He's got something planned-'


'-He's planning to steal the stone.'

The two professors visibly tensed, staring at me surprised, though, Dumbledore seemed to be more amused.

'Y/n, however, did you know about the stone?' It's rare for McGonagall to call me by my first name, to keep it professional.

'Long story, now, would you please listen-'

'I've got all night.' Dumbledore looked intrigued. 'Please, explain.'

I got on explaining, my encounter, with Nicolas Flamel. Now you're probably wondering, how did you tell them when you made a deal? Let's go back once more, shall we?

'-Then I won't tell.'

There, I said I won't tell, not specifically Dumbledore, just won't tell. When making the unbreakable vow, one must not turn back on their promise, if you want it to work properly, you must be specific with your requests.

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