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One week after having met Serious, I met another side of Gabriel. Of course lots of stuff had happened during this time, not that it bothered me at all anymore. Change was a new constant in my life.

For one I was always armed with some or other weapon something which wasn't really my decision. Definitely my problem though, hence the recent waking nightmares of a surprise inspection at school.

My mother recieved a guard who took her everywhere and never left her side when Mr Capistrano wasn't around. Which quickly went from barely ever to him always being gone.

My training got really intense really quickly. I began to wonder if a storm wasn't brewing, like a war or something. But I could get nothing from father or brother no matter how far I dove into actually asking.

I think Gabriel took my Harley Quinn comment to heart because he added another collar to my collection. Now I had three: the first of which looked like two thin gold lines seperated but a small space and lined heavily with diamonds that looked too real.

I happen to wear that one only when I couldn't avoid it, even when it had been the only one I owned. This is how I got my second. It was also simple and looked like thinly braided metal.

In the centre of the front was a single Onyx Black Stone and nothing else. I actually thought it was so beautiful and sometimes wearing it even felt voluntary.

Today when I got dressed I found a new
One sitting comfortably at the centre of my dresser in an open black box. I was almost tempted to smile when I saw the word Puddin' sprolled across the front.

The strap was thick and made of a thick leather and lots of swade. Honestly it looks like fan art or something meant for a cosplayer.

I shook my head and closed the box before placing it in the jewelry box.

"You don't like it," I jumped in shock at the sound of Gabriel's voice. I looked into the mirror to find him in my doorway.

Something vaguely told me the necklace not only referenced what had happened a few days ago but apologized for it also. The idea of this filled me with a strange mixture of disgust and frustration.

It made me want to figit in the need to smack something and filled my throat in the need to speak out.

I hated how unnecessary the gesture was because no matter how he chose to treat me I'd have no way to retaliate or get away or even expect... anything.

All that I got for his temper was just the same as everything I got for his treatment of me: based entirely on what mood he was in at the moment.

He came in, "I left something out for you to wear."

I had seen the black ankle length maxi dress which I was not going to spend a day walking around in.

"It's not exactly something meant for a normal day at school..."

I didn't expect him to understand this seeing as he was in a crisp black suit that fit him well enough to attract the attention of anyone who did not know him well.

He sat casually on my bed and looked infuriatingly good in an effortless way, "you're not going to school today. I need you with me today."

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him again through the mirror. He stood and came towards me.

His long fingers undid the braided collar and proceeded to replace it with the thick, black, new one as he spoke, "I'm taking you with me to work."

His hands did not linger when the stupid thing was securely fastened, "so wear the dress and put your hair up. I'll be waiting for you down stairs."


Going up to the top floor of this giant building with this erratic man made me feel like Anastasia Grey  accompanying a somehow more toxic Christian Grey into his absurd skyscraper of professional blondes.

Gabriel stood quietly next to me with a commanding air about him. When the elevator doors opened we were greeted but an attractive black man with a tablet.


The man immediately went into a long list of what needed to be done and when. I walked to Gabriel's right, ever so slightly behind him as I followed him in the direction of what I assumed to be his office. Passion walked to Gabriel's left slightly behind me as he spoke.

The two of them interacted so fluidly I wondered how long they'd been doing this. I on the other hand felt misplaced and uncomfortable.

After having explained everything that needed to be done Passion went to a desk outside of Gabriel's office and Gabriel proceeded to get to work.

I watched for a while and quickly lost interest. I wanted to know why exactly he wanted me here. The day passed like this: me quietly wondering why me and following him around or sitting in a corner observing him.

It was like meeting a different person watching him in this environment where he made none of the facial expressions I'd grown accustomed to. Where he seemed to either know every passing detail of his work or be in the process of learning it.

And I continually met this strange new person until Gabriel's office door opened around the middle of the work day after receiving a warning from Passion. Three men in suites came in.

Until now every meeting Gabriel had ever had had been held in a conference room on this same floor. The men sat down and went straight to business.

Business that sounded alarmingly less and less legal as the meeting drew on. They seemed to be negotiating the transportation and distribution of drugs. ...Drugs...

I was stunned until out of nowhere Gabriel says, "Orian."

I looked up at him and he went on, "were you listening?"

Was this a trick question? Was I not supposed to be here? Listening to every detail of this shit. I dumbly said, "yes."

"Come here then." He'd stopped looking at me a while ago and was focused on some papers in front of him, "do you understand why we are being cheated out of money?"

One of the guys seemed to stiffen at the words, after a silence that seemed way too long at what he'd said I finally responded, "n-no."

He gathered the papers, "don't let that happen again."

He handed me the stack and continued, "I expect an answer by the end of the day."

I was stunned into a quiet panic attack as he proceeded to stand, "gentlemen, shall we continue this conversation in the next room?"

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