Illiana and Keeva

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Keeva's POV:

I read over the messages Illiana sent.

Illiana: Keeva did you get out alright?

Yes, We're all okay. :Keeva

Illiana: You're my little sister! I'm bound to worry...

No need to worry Ills. What about you? Everything okay? :Keeva

Illiana: I suppose not. I have to hunt you guys down
with that creep Mika! Can you believe it? The
Foxete girl has a bounty on her head and the gov hasn't
stopped worrying about Illoha!

Really? Not shocked with the whole :Keeva
Foxete thing, but the gov is on a hunt for us?

Illiana: Yeah, listen Keevs, I'm gonna lie through my teeth about this.
Foxete is clearly innocent, and you lot need to fight Freddy.
Good luck and keep me posted!

Will do! :Keeva

I close my signal tuner up. I'm a fugitive from the crown. I quietly chuckle to myself.
"What's up Keeva?" Fox asks from the doorway. She's holding coffee.
"Coffee stunts your growth." I roll my eyes.
"I'm Five foot four inches Keeva. I'm doing decently. It's either espresso or depresso. My choice goes with espresso." She jokes.
"Espresso or depresso??" I laugh.
"It's a real decision." Fox crosses her arms and smirks.
I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, Illiana texted me. She told us that the Kreko, our bestie, is coming after us with an army."
"Oh joy! My girlfriend's father is comin' to kill me!" Fox plops down on the sofa next to me, "Whatever shall we do?" She jokes.
I laugh, "You're not worried?"
She sits up and looks at me unimpressed, "Keeva. I spat at Freddy. You think I'm scared of a man in his mid 50's?"
"I mean..." I chuckle.
"The answer is yes." She states bluntly, "I am, in fact, scared of a man in his mid 50's more than Freddy Fazbear."
I smile, "why? Because he's Illoha's dad of the fact that he's Governor?"
"The fact that he raised Illoha. She had to have gotten her sass level from somewhere!" Fox whispers.
"Not wrong." I whisper back.
We both laugh. When the laughter dies down Fox speaks.
"If.. ya know, your sister wants. She's welcomed to join the crew." Fox suggests.
"Thank you. I'm sure she'll take you up on that." I nod.
"Of course Keeva." She smiles and stands up, "Now must face the challenges of being a mother, cooking Ru dinner." She shakes her head, "Pray for their stomachs Keeva!"
I smile, "Just heat up the canned food!" I call after her.
She gives me a thumbs up.
Someone needs to teach her to cook.

(440 words)

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