A bit of moving around

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It was after grillby left that he decided to go spy a little bit to see if the currency had changed a bit.

Well in the end he did find out that asgore looked a bit different in this au and all. But it seemed like the g was still the same. Which is a relief for when he needed to eat.

Sure he can go a long time without eating or drinking anything do to having to do that in war when food couldn't be delivered at times and all that stuff.

But he did promise Gaster and the kids to try and eat a few times a day. And well..if he had to steal he would...but luckily he won't have to steal Since the g still seems to be the same for this au as well.

Which is a relief and he should probably stack up some food just in case he ends up somewhere where he can't use his g.

After all, isn't Underswap a bit different with g since the queen is the one in charge?

Grillby wondered briefly before finally deciding on an area that he will be 'resting' at night.

Since he's a fire elemental as well, he won't  feel the cold since his body itself will keep him warm even if it gets colder and colder.

Though he Already did stack up on some food and drinks. Enough to last at least 4 days if he eat at least once a day.

He didn't want to take that much from here since they sometimes have a little bit less on food then usual.

After all, it's only his first day here and even he can tell that they sometimes don't get enough food.

Seems like the core might need to be checked or whoever sends the food over need to be checked on so they aren't Hoarding food for themselves.

That's something he will see if he can check out later.

After all, Gaster was very stubborn on teaching him the basics to himself about the core and some other things from hotlands and the lab.

But he's pretty sure he knew the most about the core and other things in the lab only second to Gaster and maybe sans himself since gaster's version of basics...is way to much for many others to try and learn.

Though he doesn't blame Gaster for telling him so much and showing him how to do it and all.

After all...Gaster has been stuck in the void for a year now...sure he's been trying to figure out how to bring Gaster back out, everyone else does mostly remember Gaster at the very least, they just think he's busy or missing.

But he's pretty sure..sans and maybe papyrus has been working on that machine that Gaster build...

Which may end up doing the same thing that those memories have shown him about pulling other aus to their own au.

He wonders if the sans and papyrus's he meets will end up being pulled to his au if that happens?

Heh, grillby bet it would be amusing though to see their surprise in seeing a familiar face to them.

Grillby thought with a chuckle, hiding on top of some trees, he won't burn anything or anyone he doesn't want to burn. That's how it is for him. He was actually almost near the ruins again.

But he was only here to keep an eye on his ki-sans and papyrus.

Ok yes sometimes he does that even in his own au, but he couldn't help it! He worries about the two, genocide or no genocide..

He didn't mean to Eavesdrop on them- oh who was he kidding? Of course he would eavesdrop on them! He has to make sure even if in another au, they were doing ok.

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