Sans and blaze talk a bit

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So grillby was walking around again, still being followed by sans.

He wonders what this sans would chose for a nickname. He believes he's got a nice nickname for sans to chose if he ever ends up in his own au or meets outside of it, he's pretty sure sans would like the idea of being called heart after all.

He paused, shit, his cravings for his poisons are getting a bit high... how should he do this? Blaze thought, briefly thinking before quickly moving out of sight and grabbed a drink from his inventory and his poison and put his poison into his drink and quickly put the poison up and started drinking it pretty fast as he heard some footsteps get closer.

He finished and put it up and moved his arm to grab sans and pull him in his little hiding spot, he looks at this sans surprised and startled face.

"So why exactly have you been following me?" Blaze asked, knowing already why this sans is following him.

" are pregnant..the soulings looked healthy but I don't want anyone messing with you and the soulings.." sans muttered a bit worried look in his eyes.

Blaze head titled, alerted to some more footsteps that was more quieter then sans was trying to be.

"I don't need protection..but I do appreciate that your trying to look after me. But don't mention them to anyone, even if you think your alone." Blaze told sans who blinked a bit and nodded after that.

Blaze glanced at the corner right as someone walked past.

Blaze looked back, "did you need anything else?"

"Have you eaten? Out of all the times I've seen and followed you, I haven't seen you eat." Sans mentioned and his eyes narrowed suspiciously at blaze.

"Of course I did. I eat when your not looking." Blaze answered and pulled a snack out of his inventory and took a bite out of his.

Sans suspicious gaze mostly went away when he saw the expecting parent eat, satisfied for now.

Sans relaxed a bit when blaze finished off his snack.

"And your cravings? Do you have what your were craving for?" Sans asked, wanting to make sure.

"Of course, it's why I quickly moved here to have it before you got into view." Blaze responded back.

Sans nodded at that, good, the more the expecting parent ignores what their craving, the more they crave for the item or food or liquid.

"I'm blaze. You are?" Blaze asked sans.

Sans blinked, "oh right, we never really introduced each other. I'm sans. Sans the skeleton."

Blaze nodded, "I'm just walking around for now, you can walk besides me if you want, you don't have to follow me."

Sans nodded and Blaze walked out of the area with sans following behind.

Blaze hummed a bit, still avoiding going into his bar from this au.

He doesn't want to see it just yet.

He's still got the feeling he's got a longer time period in this au for now. Though he doesn't know how long exactly Since every other au he's ended up in was a few days or less so far.

But he will shrug it off for now, he'll know when he sees the portal again, he does check twice a day to see when it shows up. After all, he's not sure how long the portal will stay and wait for him.

So of course he will have to check to make sure if it's there or not just yet. Hopefully no one else finds out that he's expecting, he does know that not many can get pregnant let alone the souling surviving after birth in this au...

So Blaze has got to be careful to make sure no one else knows, he's not sure if he wants this papyrus to know yet but if this sans thinks he can let his brother know then he will allow it.

So Blaze and sans were just taking a bit of a walk while Blaze was thinking about things.

Finished with 772 words. A bit shorter but that's all I can write today for this story.

Well hope you like and comment what you think!

Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans, papyrus, grillby/blaze

Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge, grillby/fellby

Underswap, sans/blue, papyrus/orange, grillby/spirits

Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/star, grillby/galaxy

Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/rus, grillby/gin/idk

Swapfell, sans/blackberry, papyrus/purple, grillby/shade/?

Naturetale, lavender, thistle, poppy, grillby/blossom

Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void, grillby/chasm/?

Underlust/Lusttale, sans/heart, papyrus/pink, grillby/rose/?

Dusttale, sans/dust, papyrus/phantom

Horrortale, sans/axe, papyrus/Jupiter, grillby/sunlight

Killertale, sans/killer

Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare

Xtale, sans/cross, papyrus/white/idk, grillby/xby?

Hmm should dust keep the name dust and what kind of name or nickname would go for dust brotjer papyrus Since they both will definitely remember


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