Wisdom tooth

126 3 0

Kanan: age 25
Ezra: age 18

Season 3

No ones POV

Ezra grumbled as he laid in bed, his hand placed against the side of his cheek where a throbbing pain laid just under it.

Kanan walked in and frowned. "I'm sorry you've been in so much pain, you got the surgery today so you'll be fine a few days, you won't remember the next few days." He smiled and kissed Ezra's forehead. "Come on, let's get you going to your appointment, don't wanna be late do you?"

Ezra hummed in agreement and got up, going with Kanan who had a comforting arm wrapped around his shoulder. He leaned in as they walked to the Yavins base dentist.

Kanan smiled. "Hey Rex, Ezra's ready for his surgery." He kissed his other cheek to not cause anymore pain.

Rex smiled. "I'll let the doctor know." He chuckled and walked over, talking to doctor Julia. "Patient Bridger is here ma'am." He smiled

"Thank you Rex." She smiled and walked to the couple. "Ready Ezra?"

Ezra nods a little and slowly stood up, going to a little room, covered with calming paintings, the walls painted a calming light blue, he observed the room before sitting on the chair as a nurse walked over.

"I'm just going to give you an iv, this will help you sleep. You will wake up disoriented and confused. Is that your partner with you today? Or should I find someone else?" She asked for security reasons.

"Boyfriend.." Ezra mumbled as he let the sleeping medication take over.

—time skip—

Kanan looked up as he was called into the room, he chuckled as he walked into the room and saw his disoriented lover confused

Ezra looked up at him. "Woah..you're beautiful..are you single..?"

"No, honey I'm dating you.." Kanan smiled and helped him stand. "Let's get you to the ghost, you need to get some rest okay?"

"I'm...dating you..?" He looked bewildered. "Woah..I'm the luckiest.."

Kanan smiled and held him carefully. "Thank you honey, now bed." He brought him to his cabin and gave him a kiss on the hand. "Goodnight, get some rest.."

Ezra groaned in response before slowly falling asleep.

Kanan chuckled and rubbed his hand with his thumb and kissed his forehead. "I love you.." he said softly, tucking him in and going to the kitchen. He sighed and poured himself a cup of kaff, sitting at the table and reading over Ezra's medication bottle. "Alright, so when he receives this, it's twice a day. I'll wait till tomorrow. Mmm, looks like 40 mg for each intake, don't drink with alcohol, nor other prescription medication. Make sure patient has food in system." He shrugged. "Works with me, seems easy enough." He smiled to himself and got up.

Ezra groaned in pain, waking up slowly. The sedation medication was slowly wearing off.

Kanan walked into the room. "Hey hey..I'm here, I'm here." He rubbed Ezra's stomach comfortingly.

Ezra groaned. "It hurts.."

"I have some pain medication here, then tomorrow we start the antibacterial medication okay?" He looked at the bottle. "Okay, first off we need to get you something in your stomach. I picked up some premade smoothies when we stopped at lothal just for this reason." He went to the fridge and pulled out a meluirun smoothie and walked over to Ezra. "Here honey, do you want me to spoon feed you it?"

He grunts in response, nodding his head slightly.

"Okay." He picked up the spoon, using the spoon to collect some of the smoothie and fed Ezra half of it before stopping. "Alright, let's get you this medication." He read over the directions again for safety and poured 30mg into the cup and mixed it with a bit of smoothie for taste, feeding it to Ezra.

Ezra grimaced at the taste, even with it being combined with the smoothie.

"Sorry." Kanan smiled his best and continued feeding him the smoothie.

Ezra smiled his best when he ate the last bite and laid back down.

Kanan kissed his forehead and pulled the covers over him. "I'll be back to come nap with you, but I need to throw this garbage out okay?" He smiled and walked to the kitchen, throwing out the garbage and washed his hands. He rinsed his face with cold water and took a deep breath. "Always feels good." He smiled to himself and walked back to the room, putting his mask on the bedside table and took his ponytail out, getting into bed with Ezra, laying under the covers.

Ezra nuzzled against him and slowly fell asleep.

"I love you.." he said softly. He smiled and kissed his cheek, joining him in slumber.

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