Mama's Comfort

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The sticker that Bruce had given him made Bucky feel a little better, but Y/n knew what he really needed to make all of the built up fear and stress go away. She took Bucky back to their floor and immediately went into her suite. She managed to get them both rinsed off in the shower, although it was difficult to get Bucky to let go of her so that she could clean herself up. He ended up sitting right outside the shower, and as soon as she was dressed she got him into the bath, making sure that he was completely clean.

Bucky laid back as his mama washed away all of the grime from the mission, letting himself completely relax. As vulnerable as this was, he knew that he was completely safe with his mama, she'd proven that she would never hurt him or force him into anything that he was uncomfortable with. She moved up to wash his hair and he closed his eyes, focusing on her gentle hands in his hair.

The hands left and a little whine escaped Bucky before he could stop himself. He heard his mama laugh fondly at him and opened his eyes. "We've gotta get you out of the bath before the water gets cold," she said, pulling the plug and helping Bucky stand up. He went to step out of the tub but was stopped by his mama. "I don't want you walking around, kiddo." She wrapped a towel around him and scooped him up, setting him down on the bathroom counter to dry his hair.

Once he was all dried off his mama carried Bucky to his nursery, setting him down on the changing table so that she could get him dressed. While she was rummaging around for his clothes she told him about the rest of the day. According to her, his uncles were bringing him home a very special treat and because he was such a brave boy he could pick whatever he wanted to do for the rest of the day.

Y/n helped him into a pull-up, careful not to press on his stitches while she pulled it into place. Her baby was gazing up at her like he wanted something but didn't quite know how to ask for it. "Do you need something, baby?" She cooed, leaning over to press a kiss to his forehead.

Bucky didn't necessarily need something but he wanted it so bad that it felt like it was consuming him. He couldn't stop thinking about the way that she had comforted him earlier, calling him her baby. He found himself chasing that feeling, that security that it gave him. "Mama," he whimpered, trying to get his message across. He could feel himself slipping farther and so words were getting more and more difficult for him.

"Mama's right here silly boy," she laughed, picking him up from the changing table. He let out a frustrated whine, petulantly kicking his legs. "Do you need something specific from Mama, baby?"

"Baby," he said in a desperate tone. "Mama baby." Tears burned in his eyes as he tried to get his mama to understand what he desperately wanted her to say.

Y/n could hear the distress in his voice, and set him back down on the changing table, cupping his face so that she could look him in the eye. He looked up at her with pleading eyes and she remembered how she had been in this exact position with him earlier. Realization hit her as Bucky whimpered and held on to her shirt. "Oh baby boy," she cooed, swiping her thumbs across his cheeks. "Mama's baby? Is that what you need to hear?" Bucky nodded his head, a low whine coming from the back of his throat. "You are my baby, nothing would ever change that," she said gently. "I'll always do my very best to keep you safe."

Bucky tugged at her shirt, and Y/n interpreted it as a sign to pick him up. He nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck, holding on tight to his mama. He still wasn't dressed, all he was wearing was a pull-up but there was no shame, no fear here. Mama didn't care, Mama didn't judge, all he knew was that he was safe here and that he finally belonged.

"Are you my tiny baby today?" She cooed, rubbing a hand up and down his back. Bucky nodded, holding on tighter and she knew what he needed for the rest of the day. "Do you need Mama to make the decisions for a while?" Bucky whimpered a little as he nodded again, much more vigorous this time. "Okay, Mama's here, my baby." She felt him let out a deep sigh, relaxing his muscles while she held him. "Let's get you cozy and fed so that we can snuggle up, baby boy."

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