chapter 22

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Scarletts pov

Open road, that's all that was infront of me. I needed this, I needed to be alone for hours upon hours. When i passed the charming limits heading towards my brothers warehouse, i finally turned around. Was Mariah really a rat? Did I put to much trust in the wrong person? Those were the questions I knew I didn't have the answer to, not yet anyways. Juice has to be wrong, he just has to be, i thought trying everything in my power to not believe that there was a rat in my club. When i got to the warehouse it was almost empty, everyone but Mariah was there.

" nikkie, where's mariah" i asked as i walked in

" i have no clue. She went for a ride yesterday and she hasn't been the seen since" Nikkie answered " how's jax"

" i freaked out on one of his members" i sighed

" oh so it's not that good" she whispered " wait you seem really worried about somthing, what's wrong" she asked

" we might have a rat" I whispered for her ears only

" WHAT" she sreeched " who, it's not me i promise you that. I took the oath. The only one who didn't was mariah" she snapped quietly. Why is everything pointing towards mariah, i thought feeling defeated.

" wait mariah didn't take the oath" I asked " i swear I watched her do it"

" sorry sister but she didnt. As much as I wish she did, she didn't" nikkie smiled apologetically

" okay, thank you nikk" i smiled before I walked back outside

" ohh and scare, we all knew how to shoot on solid ground, we need more practice on the bikes" she called as I got on my bike

" right, I'll talk to jax" i called back before i started my bike and rode back to jaxs house. I've been gone for three hours, he was more then likely worried about me. When I pulled into a park and shut my bike off and walked in, jax hasn't moved from his seat, niether did the other boys that were there when I left this morning.

" juice, I'm sorry" i smiled when i walked by sparing him a glance. He nodded his head and smiled in complete understanding " the thing is, i talked to nikkie. Mariah never took the oath and nobody has seen her since yesterday" i paused " i know it doesn't prove anything. But I just need to prepare myself for the decision"

" what would you do to a trader within your own club" jax asked

" it would depend on who she was and how much she knew" i sighed

" Mariah may be the trader in your club. What would you do to her" jax asked again

" i would strip her of her badge and make a last minute decision between killing and banishment" i whispered as i walked away

" it's not a last minute decision scare" jax said simply

" I would strip her of her badge......and banish her. I can't bring myself to kill one of my girls" I whispered at my pause " but nothings happening until I get solid information on it" I snapped. The room was quiet until jax spoke his mind

" how smart is your brother" he asked

" not very smart. But he's dangerous and he has people that know almost everything" I answered " why what are you planning on doing" I asked

" juice your going to go to them and join. Tell them you have some kind of beef with us for trying to get rid of you" jax paused and I continued for him

" jax of we did that then we would have to make a scene infront of everyone. Everyone besides mariah should know what's going on. And plus it would be suicide" I breathed

Jax looked up at me and sighed " it'll work. Juice you leave today. Now let's get to the warehouse" he commanded. We all listened and headed towards the warehouse. When we all arrived I saw mariah standing outside the door with her hands on her hips, looking all pissed.

" hey I was worried about you sister" I smiled after I shut my bike off and walked over to her

" whatever. Where have you been" she snapped

" I've been at home" I commented not raising my voice to her " where have you been" I asked in return

She went quiet before saying " I've been on a ride, I needed to cleanse myself with the open road and scenery"

" cool, well there's somthing I need to tell you and the girls, do me a favor and round them up and meet me in the conference room" I smiled as I walked passed her and into the conference room. After a couple minutes my girls walked in and sat in there seats.

" what's up scare" c.j asked as she sat down

" we have somthing fun planned" I smiled " our first takedown will take place in three days"

" who are we taking down" Mariah asked

" Jason's anarchy" I smiled at her.

I watched her mouth drop " are you kidding me. He's your older brother, why would you kill him" she snapped as she got to her feet

" why would you care mariah" I asked innocently

" I don't. but he's your brother why kill him....." I cut her off

" he isn't a good person mia. you didn't have to spend 19 years of your life with him, we're taking him down" I snapped " and that's final" I said before picking up the mallet and hitting it against the table.

As soon as I dropped the mallet we heard jax screaming a juice, right on cue, I thought. There was really no plan to this all it was just a wing-it situation. The girls and I ran out to see what was going on, what I saw was actually a really good reason someone would be kicked off but it was hard to explain what had happened. I watched jax force juices anarchy jacket off and throw it to the ground. " get lost before I change my mind and kill you where you stand" jax snapped. Juice speed walked out of the warehouse and to his bike before ridding off.

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