Chapter 5

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the color of my room was purple, everything in my room was purple, wow I am attached to the color purple. I thought to myself startled by the thought. my wardrobe was full of clothes that I thought would make me look the part of a leader, but for some reason i didn't feel right about any of it.  when I pulled out a black low cut tank top  I decided it would do for the first day and it would compliment my D.o.A jacket, I looked at my jeans's and decided on a pair of worn light blue miss me jeans, I slipped my PK380 pistole,  when I looked at my shoes I saw that I had a major problem, I have way to many shoes that would go good with this outfit, I thought to myself. I decided on  a pair of black buckle boots and a black and white studded belt, I left my hair up so it was easier to put my helmet on. I figured that I had enough on so I walked out to the living room, to my surprise it was empty. I heard voices outside so I headed out and saw my brother and his buddy's talking shit to my girls and at the moment Mariah looked like she could beat the shit out of Jason, that would be a fun show but that had to wait, it was time to ride.

I walked straight to my bike and I immediately felt eyes on me as I grabbed my helmet and putting it on, starting my bike and putting it in gear. I looked behind me  saw the others were ready for action, bikes roaring and all. i smiled back at them and popped a wheelie as soon as my bike began to drive forward. for once I felt free and unstoppable, I only wished that the feeling would last and I that I was prepared for everything and anything that was going to happen in the next two to five weeks.

the miles seemed to pile up on each other but before I knew it we were coming to a  welcome to charming sign. pulling to the side of the road at a park I looked at the girls who looked like they  we're having fun with the ride. " scare, we got company" Mariah said from behind me as a larger gang pulled into the park as well.  relizing that I still was on my bike I looked back at the girls who were speed walking back to there's.

" you lady's lost"  said a man with a Scottish accent, his jacket said V.President, and the man's in front of him said President on the sides of there leather jacket it said Samcrow. I quickly slipped my D.o.A jacket off and put it in the packing compartment.

" no, we are here for a fun night, you know girls love boys" Mariah called from her bike. I looked back at her and she shut her mouth.

"no, we were looking for a resting spot, the vibrations from the bikes it's making are hands go numb, we went looking for any kind of trouble" I said calmly to the president. who glanced at me. I went to get off my bike, but that's when he drew his gun, making me change my mind. I heard one of my girls pull a weapon out and fire at a tree not far from the V. pres. I looked back at her with wide eyes. " BROOKE, WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM". I heard a lot of clicks, the safety was taken off of there guns and we were slow on our pull out. I put my arms on the handle bars and put my head down. " why in the hell did this have to happen" I whispered to my self.

" off of the bike" I heard a man's voice come from beside me. I felt the barrel of the gun against my head, it felt cold and deadly. I sit up slowly and climb off of the bike refusing to show the Samcrow gang my face. " drop them and your  friend her leaves with a small wound" I froze and looked across to my gang, the were hesitating.

" JUST DO IT"  I yelled at them my voice full of command but still shakey.

" why, how do we know there not lieing" Mariah called back

" MARIAH YOUR NOT IN ANY KIND OF CONTROL, DROP THE GUNS NOW"  I yelled again. " DO IT NOW, OR SO HELP ME I WILL HAUNT YOU TILL THE FUCKING DAY  YOU ALL DIE" I was getting pissed and they weren't doing what I said. " Mariah, please" I said after the safety was clicked off " please" I said again closing my eyes.  I felt the barrel leave my head and a shove, I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous, then I blacked and feel to the hard ground.

I woke in a hospital and stitches in my arm. my gang was in the room with me. " we are so sorry scare" Mariah said from my side. I brushed her off as I tried to remember what happened.

" recap, why am I in here and what is wrong with my arm"  I asked. I was in to much pain to really worry about it, but I needed to know.

" we ran into samcrow" that was all Mariah said and I gave her the hand to shush.

" thanks, I remember now" I pause " when am I able to leave" I asked her. just then a doctor came in.

" Scarlett, how are you doing" he came in and looked at my left arm " you should be okay to move your arm, just don't let anybody touch it" he.signed  a paper or two, " you may leave when ever" he turned and left the room.

" Mariah grab my close, and go get my jacket,bring them to me, and  I don't want anyone to hear about this"  in said as she went to the opposite side of the room and retrieved my clothes.

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