chapter 17

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Jax excused me from the room so he could think of what to do with us, just because me and  him are now "blood bound" doesn't mean that our gangs are. something about samcrow had me feeling way to far on edge. I can't be falling for jax, the thought was the only thing on my mind, but the more I thought it, the more I found it true as well. I can't love someone I barely know, what if he kills me to make room for a new. that was a scary thought, well to me it was. questions continued to hammer inside my mind, and they would not stop, it was making me mad, and most of all stressed and I never can focus or make up my mind when I'm stressed. I knew what I needed to do, I needed to ride my bike and release some of my stress into the pavement of charming. just as I walked out side and put my helmet on, jax came out and stopped me, shutting my bike off.

"where are you going" he asks as if I'm planning something dangerous.

" for a ride, just for a ride, I promise" I say sweetly, kissing his cheek and starting my bike again this time not allowing any time for him to shut my bike off again. I don't know why but I seemed to miss the roar of my bike engine, I missed the way the wheels sounded when I turned to soon, I missed the smell of burning rubber. I just missed the whole ridding ability.

charming was actually a really pretty place, once you see past the gangs, mafias, and the other bad things, it had the capability of being a really pretty town. but sadly, I was only dreaming, my girls hated it here. And honestly, I don't think I could blame them. but I knew I loved this town, but it was just samcrow, they had me on edge and I was more then afraid for me and my girls saftey. I finally reached a stop light and pulled into a full park.  I finally had time to clear my head, there was now nothing in my way, nothing but open road for miles upon miles. FREEDOM, I said to myself, ridding was my freedom. if I lost the ability to ride, I would never be able to touch, look or be anywhere around a motor bike. the light finally turned green, I spead off into the open road.

the ride was pretty, beautiful, there were just to many ways to describe it.  I was surprised that I hadn't meat any other cars, trucks, or even bikers. it was just me, my bike, and the open roads of charming. I went on and on until I finally had a smile on my face, this was always the hard part, turning around and going back when I could just keep going for miles and miles, that's why I love ridding so Much, the roads never seemed to end and that had to be the beauty of it all. I pulled off the road to stretch my legs before heading back to samcrow, when a loud roar came from behind me. Jax and the others had followed . he really doesn't trust me, I screamed at myself. jax stopped beside and smiled all I did was glare into his eyes, suddenly what I have worked so hard to get rid of, was back.

" Jax I need to be alone" I said when he finally shut off his bike. he just smiled and I shook my head and got on my own bike, racing away, not caring where the road would take me. when I glanced back, jax was the only following me, he had commanded that the others return home. I don't know how but jax pulled infront of me slowing down, causing me to slow down.  he glanced back and pointed to the side of the road. I rolled my eyes and complied. I pulled off of the road and shut my bike off again, jax did the same only he pulled his gun.

"why do you need to be alone" he asked the gun pointing at me.

"Jax, I just need to ride the open roads to calm down and relax, I'm not planning anything, I just need to relax" I said calmly and slowly getting off of my bike and  making my way over to him. " you can trust me" I said sweetly as I put my hand on the barrel of the gun.

he slowly lowered his gun and put it away, pulling me into a big hug " I'm sorry" he whispers into my ear. making me smile as he tighted his grip and held me closer to him.

"Jax, why don't you trust me" I ask curiously. he pushes away and looks at me. " why don't you trust me"  I ask again determined for an answer.

" look who you were raised by" he snapped. my mouth immediately dropped as he smiled and laughed. " what, you think you "daddy" is or was so perfect, or your mom, who's is having a sexual relationship with her own son" he yelled making me stumble back to my bike. " so this is new news to you, well guess what, that is why I do not trust you" he continued to yell. I sat on my bike and looked down, not believing what he had just said, refusing to believe It I shook my head in protest. a single tear fell down my cheeks as I looked up at him. he seemed to be way to serious and pissed to care.

"Jax, I am nothing like my mother, or my father, all I ever wanted was to find someone who loved me for me, not because of what I do, an  I thought I did find that, I was hoping I did. but the only thing you seem to care about is yourself and nobody else. my dad is more then likely dead, and my mom is more then likely wishing in was dead. I never had a childhood jax." my words slowed as I talked. my body shaking as cried harder. sitting on the ground holding my head in my hands, not believing what I had just admired to myself. " and more then likely jax you don't care about anything, except you, and the body's weighing up on your conscience." I blurted unable to control my own mouth I brawl harder and harder. but that's when I was enveloped in a big hug, jax was sitting beside me, holding me close to him, letting me cry on the open and quiet roads. when I finally stopped crying, he still didn't let me go, he just held me close to him.  he kissed my head and finally let me go.

" get on your bike, I wanna show you something" he said  with a wide and sexy smile. I smiled back and got on my bike, starting her up and following jax. I had no clue where we were going, so I enjoyed the open road and let jax lead the way. we came to an old fenced cliff that over looked charming, and at the most beautiful time of the day, the sunset, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.  Jax Sat on the ground and pulled me down to sit in between his legs,  my back against him. " I'm really sorry, that I fliped out on you like that"  he said resting his head on my shoulder, and kissing my neck. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder.

"don't worry about it, you had a point, my parents aren't the trusting kind, but I was the only one out of my five brothers, four dead, and one still alive. then there's me." I smiled kissing his cheek again. he chuckles.

" yeah, you are definitely the best out of the rest of them" he whispered. "your defiantly more like able then the rest of them"  he commented in a boyfriend girlfriend kind of way.

"Jax I love you" I whispered after I crawled out of his legs and laid down beside him, looking up at the stars.

he followed my lead and laid back as well " I love you to scarlet" he whispers back. he kisses my gently and lovingly before pulling me into him, so we could watch the stars together.

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