Chapter 12

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We sat alone at deosos in silence for what seemed like forever.

" look Mr. teller I....." I started but I was cut off by him.

" jax, call me jax" he smiled apologetically.

" jax, I have zero memories about samcrow, charming it's self, it's safe to say that we never met before." I smiled kindly, standing taking my DoA jacket off. While I took it off jax was watching me. Going wide eyed. " what?" I ask.

"I know that we meet, and to prove it, look at your scare on your left shoulder." He stood and traced the scare on my shoulder " we have matching scars" he took his samcrow vest off, then slipping his shirt off throwing it a side. " see" he pointed to his. I stood and looked closer running my finger over it, suddenly remembering.

"I got mine by a promise to a friend after my mom forced us to move between San Francisco and San Clara. It was to remind each other of our friendship" I looked into his eyes, he nodded his head as I spoke.

" same here" he smiled down at me. Pulling me into a hug. " it's good to have you back Scarlett" he whispered in my ear. I smiled and pushed back.

"It's good to be back" I whispered back. Our eyes locking again he pressed his hands into my back leaning in, kissing my lips gently and hesitantly. I kiss him back after he pulls back a little. "Jax" I breathe. Just then his gang decided to come in. I push him back completely and looking and blushing at them.

"Perfect timing aye Jacki " said a Scottish man. I looked around and grabbed my jacket.

" I'll see you around jax" I kissed his cheek, and headed towards the door. But suddenly stopped when a follower stepped in front of me, forcing me to stop. I turn and see jax behind me.

" you aren't going anywhere" he said acting all big and bad now that his gang was around.

"Fine, where am I going" I snapped. That's when a hard hit on the back of my head made every thing go black.

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