Daughters of Anarchy ( Sons of Anarchy Fanfiction)

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the moon light covered and illuminated the yellow and white lines on the road along with the white Harley Davidson sticker that I slapped on to my black and purple street racing bike, that seemed out of place with my gangs Harley Davidson bikes. then loud bike engines passed by pulling my attention and making me look at them as we passed. it seemed almost as soon as they passed me they stopped and turned around following me, almost making me regret wearing my daughter's of Anarchy Jean waist jacket. I looked back to be sure that the bikers were following me, my attention slipped and I lost control of my bike throwing off of the road and scratching my bike. when I hit the ground I grasped and looked back towards the road to see if they have parked and sadly they have and they were walking straight towards me. I struggled to stand then a sharp pain shot threw my right ankle making mobility difficult. I heard my heart in my mind and thoughts like shit I'm going to die and please be friendly. as they got closer I could see that they were all men. I tried to stand again this time I was successful so I turned and limped then began running the opposite way, warning shots were fired and I hit the ground hard breathing hard as my eyes began to swell with tears, I blinked hard, no, I'm not going to show any amount of fear I thought to myself. I sat there and watched as they walked closer and closer to me. one stopped and pulled a flashlight out shinning it in my eyes.

" damn, you know lights can blind someone" I said flinching letting my eyes squint. " and it's not nice to do that" I joked bringing my hand to my eyes blocking the light.

" wow, your brother is going to have a good long laugh about this" said a voice walking to me and offering a hand.

" gosh darnet, Kyle that wasn't funny, it scared the living carp out of me" I said standing. he laughed and walked back out to his bike.

" please don't tell Jason" I pleaded guilty, " you know how he is about my night cruses, and besides he isn't even president yet, there is really no point" I said pulling my bike up checking it out and looking at the tiers and testing the bike before riding back to my place where the home of the San Francisco and Santa Clara sons of Anarchy meet half way for a "council meeting" but this time they are gathering to open up a new kind of Anarchy, The Daughter's of Anarchy. which would be lead by me.

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