Chapter 27

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Scareletts final pov

when i got home, i parked my bike and walked into the home i shared with jax. by the looks of things, he wasn't home and the house was empty

" Jackson?" I called as I investigated my home for any sign of my lover, Which there was no sign of

Well, should I stay here and wait for him to come home or do I go to the warehouse?, I thought to myself as I walked back outside and sat on the steps

By now, Jax and the remainder of my crew would be done with the sorry excuse for a crew that was once my brothers. But knowing that there was a chance that everyone could also be dead, it was enough to make me nervous and afraid. The fear itself was enough to make me get back on my bike and race off towards the warehouse

When I pulled into the parking lot, I killed my bike and put the kick stand down. I sat on my bike for a few seconds and listened for any sign of where they might be, but there was no gun fire any where near the premises. But, there was movement inside of the warehouse

" SCARLETT'S HERE!!!" Nikki cried as she opened the main door

I smiled at the voice and climbed off my bike as she and others ran out of the building

" YOURE ALIVE!!" She cried as she tackle hugged me

I laughed and hugged her back

" Of course I am. What else would you think?" I quizzed as she let go and helped me back to my feet

" Dead" Jax's voice came behind the crowd

I paused and stared at him as he walked towards me. Everyone in the crowd going silent and watching us intently

"Guys give us a minute" Jax demanded

" As many as you need" one of my girls commented as she and the others walked back into the warehouse

" Where have you been?" He wondered as he put his hands in his jeans pocket

"Taking care of business" I answered honestly

" And you did this without telling anyone. Without telling me" he paused " DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS ABOUT YOU?!"

I shook my head and looked away from him briefly " no, I don't. But do you know that I did what I did to protect you?" I countered " I left to-"

" Don't pull that bullshit on me!!" He yelled " I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" He yelled again

I sighed and turned away from him:

" I'm sorry"

Seconds after my comment I heard that main door slam. He had enough of me and I knew it. I swallowed back my tears and walked to my bike and climbed on and went back to the house

When I got home I went into the dining room and thought about how I was going to make up for this one. How I was going to make up for leaving Jax and letting him believe that I was dead

I need food, I thought and stood from the table and wandered into the kitchen for food that wasn't there

" Well shit" I sighed and scratched the back of my head and paused as a thought struck me " Scarlett you smarty pants you" I thought and quickly walked back out to my bike and rode off to the closest grocery store

My idea was to make an apology dinner for my man, and that was easier said then done. I mean, how the hell am I going to get steaks, a 12 pack of beer, A1, and other shit all on my bike?

My thoughts were once again at work as I walked through the medicine isle of the store, my eyes were down on the ground as I walked, watching the tiles on the floor pass by. When my eyes caught sight of a pink box that read:

'pregnancy test'

I stopped and set the beer down to pick up the box. My thoughts were slowly starting to change from how ideas going to get all this hit on my bike to, should I check? I mean, I haven't exactly been me since I left three weeks ago and the last thing Jax and I did together was have unprotected sex. It couldn't hurt to check, would it?

" What the hell, why not" I whispered to myself and held it in my hand as I bent back down to pick up the beer

Okay, so I managed to find a way to get all of this home, and that was to put the bags on the handle bars and hold the beer on my lap. Now that I was home, once again, I started to cook the steaks and other crap that went good with the delicious, high priced meat

While everything was cooking, I checked the bags and put the things away where they belonged. Well, all but the pregnancy test, which stayed on the counter for my gaze to fall on every once in a while

" Why do I feel like it's taunting me?" I wondered to myself and glanced at the box one last time

" Don't be a pussy, do it already" I spat at myself and grabbed the box and stormed into the bathroom to take the test

According to the directions, after peeing on the strip i was to wait 5 minutes for the results. Let's just say that those 5 minutes passed like hours, but when the time was up. The results were heart stopping

Before a single thought could float across my mind, I heard the front door open along with the timer going off. Forgetting that I still had the test in my hand I walked into the kitchen to find Jax in the fridge and coming out with a beer

" I made a grocery run, you didn't have any food" I blurted the obvious as I entered the room

" No shit" he chuckled and looked down at my hand " what's that?" He wondered and pointed at it with his free hand

I held my hand in front of my face and went pale. I still had the test in my hand. I mean, sure ideas going to tell Jax... But, when he's upset with me wouldn't be that smart to say

" It's um" I paused " a magic marker" I lied

" Scare, let me see it" he demanded and held his hand out

" Jax it's-"

" GIVE IT!" he cut me off

I swallowed hard and set it in his hand. Shortly after I took a step back and looked away from him

" Scare this is a pregnancy test" he blurted

I nodded " I know"

" Why is it green?" He wondered

I bit my lip and look back at him " cause its positive" I paused and looked up into his eyes " I'm pregnant. And before you jump to conclusions, the last person I slept with was you"

" Your pregnant" he repeated and looked down at my belly before looking back at the test and remaining silent

" Yeah" I answered softly and folded my arms over my ribcage " you mad?"

He looked at me and laughed "mad? Babe, your pregnant with my baby. I'm feeling everything but anger"

I felt a wide smile spread across my lips, my heart pounded with happiness, and for the first time in a while, I felt trust and love that had no ending, "I love you" I whispered

"I love you scare" he whispered back, "and don't think for a moment that your gonna go through any of this alone. I got your back, for now and always"

My smile widened and my hearted thumped. Who knows what happens tomorrow, or the days that follow. I had all I needed in my life. I had the love of my man, a baby in my belly, and a group of people that will bless for me. And that is all I need to fight. All I need to love. All I need to close my eyes and sleep peacefully at night. All I needed to secure my safety.

"Forever and always" I smiled and kissed my mans cheek gently, "can we go kill people now?"

He laughed and nodded, "your a scary bitch you know that"

"No shit Sherlock" I giggles and hugged him tight, "I bet I'll get more kills then you"

"Ha! I bet against that!"

And with his comment he bolted to his motorcycle and sped away, leaving me in the dust to watch my love ride away. I didn't need to go after any one... They all came to me. And I knew that. So there is stood, dust flying around me with my arms crossed over my chest with a happy smile on my lips.

The end

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