Ch.36: In Good Hands - Yeah, This Is On The Normal Side...And It's Nice

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So, to say Jim and I haven't missed quite a few days of school would be a cold lie. I mean, I hadn't even realized it was so many days until a missing test of mine came back, graded, reading an "F".

And (Y/n) (L/n) doesn't get "F"'s.

"I'm sure most teachers haven't even noticed," Well, except Senor Uhl.

He was talking Jim's ear off, us now in his office in the early morning. Jim gave him an awkward smile the entire time before Senor Uhl finally finished, something he said putting Jim at ease.

"(Y/n)," Senor Uhl used his index finger to motion me to him, my sigh not going unnoticed.

"(Y/n), you are one of my best students. Yet, lately, it feels like you never come to class and your grades are slipping," His tone was quite but firm, his eyes aplogetic.

I remebered that look. The look of sympathy I would get when my parents wouldn't even bother to show up to my science fair award cereomnoy or anything that ever mattered to me.

"Yeah," I didn't know what else to say as I clasped my hands together.

He just sighed, folding his hands together and shook his head. "I will excuse your absense by you and Jim helping two of our newest students out," He guided me back to where Jim was standing.

"Their names are Aja and Krel."

Now, it might be funny to say, but I liked this, a lot.

With everything that could've happened, all Jim and I had to do was help these new students out.

All I had to do was do something normal...simple.

And maybe it waas even kind of dumb, but for once, I wanted a small break from Jim. Not like a "Break up" kind of break! Just -- just a breathe of air, one I could get on my own. With out anything having to do with magic.

Just for a little while.

Just, just something that was mine.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n). And you must be Krel." I held my hand out for the tall lean hispanic boy in front of me, his deep brown eyes sparkiling in wonder.

He stared a t my hand curiously, a bit confused, me grabbing his hand first and giving it a small shake. Him now rpeatingg y motion but much more violently.

"Yes. And this is my sister Aja!" His accent wasn't neccasrily thick, but it made his words string together in a unique manner.

"Who are they?" Tobey asked as Jim talked with Aja awakrdly.

Aja was Krel's sister, a beautiful girl who had fair skin and bleah blond long hair.

"Exchange students. They'll be hanging with us today." I say with a proud smile, gesturing to them.

Jim then quickly pulled me to the side, "Remeber, we have to get those last items on Merlin's list."

Merlin, magic, list, Gunmar, evil Queen's, changlings...

"Yeah," I gave him a tight smile, him giving me a quick nod before regrouping with everyone.

"You know, we should show you guys the coollest place ever!" Jim looked at the odd pair with a hesitant smile, Aja pasuing from inspecting Tobies mouth and Krel snapping back from being entranced by my jacket.

"Oh! Where, where?" Aja excalimed excitedly.

"The -- The -- The Teen Center! Yeah! It's where all the cool kids hang out." I helped Jim out with my fake title for the place that we were actually going to, one that had a certain item on our list.

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