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Idk how many people are reading this if any and if they like it but I'm just going to keep writing regardless because it gives me something to do when I can't sleep :)

As the drinks start flowing and guests pour into the Offline house you are still yet to speak to Poki regarding what had happened earlier that evening.

You hear a familiar voice shout as they enter the house
??: "Where is the new hotshot streamer?!"
You don't answer the shout still not acknowledging that you are the one people are here for.
TOAST: "He's over here Matt". Toast shouts next you at an almost deafening volume.
MATT(NADE): "Did you not feel like answering me huh? Are you already too big time for me" Matt says with a teasing tone.
Y/N: "Sorry Matt I haven't really grasped the fact that people are coming here for me of all people"
MATT: "Yeah whatever you don't need to feign modesty you've got to give yourself some credit."
TOAST: "Agreed. You're one of the biggest in the game right now. I'm surprised we managed to sign you to OTV"
MATT: "Yeah don't think we don't have our eye on you over at 100Thieves" he says giving a wink to toast as he walks off
TOAST: "Don't you even think about leaving us for them" Toast says to you teasingly but with a hint of seriousness in his words.
Y/N: "I won't don't you worry".

As time passes by you feel yourself getting more and more tipsy which gives you a boost in confidence. You walk over in Pokis direction but you're stopped in your tracks by a short woman jumping in front of you.
RAE: "HI! I'm Rae nice to meet you!"
Y/N: "Hi good to meet you I'm Y/N".
It might have been the effects of the alcohol but when you saw her she looked ethereal. Once you stopped staring at her and looked up for Poki she had disappeared again. Before you can set off to look for her all over again your phone rings, you see it says 'AMY❤️' albeit it's a blur to you.
Y/N: "Hey mate what's up?"
AMY: "Hey I just wanted to check and say hi"
Y/N: "isn't it like 6AM in London right now? Why are you awake?"
AMY: "I just can't sleep like always you know. You'd always be awake at these times so I'd fall asleep listening to you play in the next room but you're not here now" She says as you struggle to listen over the noise of the now full house partying.
Y/N: "huh? could you say that again I can't hear properly you" You say catching half of what she says
AMY: "No it's okay I can hear you're busy. Enjoy yourself Y/N"
Y/N: "Oh okay" you say as you hang up.
You feel a wave of guilt wash over you as you hang up and saps the urge to party from you. You walk back upstairs away from the party towards your room but on your way you bump into an unaware pokimane on her phone.
Y/N: "oh sorry let me get that for you" you say picking up the phone you caused to fall
POKI: "Thanks. Sorry I didn't see you there I wasn't looking. What are you doing up here anyway? This is a party for you you know"
Y/N: "I know I know I just don't feel up for it at the moment" You say with a sullen face for Poki to see.
POKI: "Why? What's up?"
Y/N: " I don't want to bore you with the details go and enjoy the party".
POKI: "No we are roomies now we are meant to talk to each other about things"
Y/N: "I mean if you're sure?"
POKI: "Absolutely!"
Y/N: "Okay well I just got a call from my old roommate from university and I feel like I've completely forgotten about them. They did so much for me and I forgot to even let them know I landed here safely. She hides it well but I know she was disappointed that I couldn't talk to her tonight"
POKI: "hey it's okay. You've not been here for very long and you're still adjusting to it all. It's been a whirlwind of chaos."
Y/N: " Yeah I guess you're right. I'll talk to them tomorrow and catch up. Oh and I promised them I'd fly them out here over the summer is that okay?"
POKI: "of course you don't even have to ask silly".
Y/N: "Thanks Imane. Don't tell anyone but you're already my favourite" You say with a light chuckle.

You both return to the party with your renewed sense of happiness.
Y/N: "SHOTS!" You yell out being met by a cheer from the crowd as you and a few line up a couple of shots each. You turn to Poki who was behind you talking to Rae
Y/N: "Imane! Take this" as you hand her a shot
"For being such a nice and caring roommate"
POKI: "How can I say no" she says smiling ear to ear "Just one though"
Y/N: "CHEERS!" You shout being met by cheers from everyone else.
BTW I don't know if Poki drinks in real life but in this she does👍🏻
As a few more hours of drinking and talking pass the crowd slowly disperse until it's just the house members and Rae left.
POKI: "Guys Rae is going to be staying here tonight she's too messed up to get home"
EVERYONE: "Okay that's cool"
You help Poki carry Rae up the stairs to the spare room and head back to your room to hopefully sleep off all of the alcohol you've had. You still hadn't addressed what happened with Poki earlier that night but you think no more of it considering the conversation you had earlier. 'We can just move right past it' You mumble to yourself as you collapse onto you bed.
That's that guys. It was dialogue heavy I know and I promise they won't all be like that :)

Twists And Turns (A streamer Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang